What Is The Essence Of Being A Woman

What Is The Essence Of Being A Woman

What is the essence of being a woman?​

1. What is the essence of being a woman?​


Ageless beauty, selfless Love, Purity, Grace and dignity


Because A woman is the personification of Ageless beauty, selfless Love, Purity, Grace and dignity. She Symbolises Virtue, Great Inner Strength, Tremendous Patience, Resilience and Fortitude.. The Same values she inculcates in Everyone around her.

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What is the essence of being a woman?​

A lady embodies ageless beauty, unselfish love, purity, grace, and dignity. She represents virtue, great inner strength, incredible patience, resilience, and fortitude. The same ideals she instills in others around her.

Being a woman is a gift from God that we must all appreciate. A mother is the source of a kid, and she is a woman. A woman demonstrates to a guy the importance of giving, caring, and loving.

A powerful, confident woman exudes her robust and ferocious qualities via her seductive demeanor, sharp wit, and caring vehemence. The aura that surrounds such a woman sets her different. And you should endeavor to imbue the same features in your own personality.

What is the essence of being a woman?



2. What's an essence of being a woman ?.

as a man, I think being a woman is being a mother who could show her sweet smile as a precious lullaby and who could be someone to watch over us with her twinkling eye as a torch to our path. These are the essential of being a woman."Just being a woman is God's gift that all of us must appreciate. The origin of a child is a mother, and is a woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman."

3. what is the essence of being a woman?

the essence of being a woman is they have a soft heart, they can immediately forgive you when you committed a sin on them

4. What is the essence of being a katipunero?



In 1892 Filipinos interested in the overthrow of Spanish rule founded an organization following Masonic rites and principles to organize armed resistance and terrorist assassinations within a context of total secrecy. It operated as an alternative Filipino government complete with a president and cabinet. When Andrés Bonifacio assumed control over the organization, it became much more aggressive. With the Grito de Balintawak, the Philippine revolution began. Filipinos ripped up their tax and citizenship documents and started fighting through Luzon. Emilio Jacinto commanded Katipunan's troops in several decisive struggle where both sides sustained major losses. The Katipunan movement frightened the Spanish and their supporters in the country. Consequently, the authorities arrested or exiled some 4,000 rebels, not to mention the myriad executions. At this time, the Filipinos were by no means united; Emilio Aguinaldo served as president of the insurgent government while José Rizal headed the Liga Filipina.

When General Camilo de Polavieja became the new Spanish military governor on December 3, 1896, he utilized the same strategy of reconcentration as did his counterpart Valeriano Weyler in Cuba. He also ordered the execution of Rizal and 24 others. The spanish crackdown led to a series of victories against Andrés Bonifacio and the Katipunan that Aguinaldo was quick to take advantage of at the Tejeros Convention in March 1897 to force the Katipunan into his new revolutionary government. The Katipunan was revived briefly during the insurrection against the U.S. in 1900

5. what is the essence of being a gay?

essence is characteristics, am i right?

well, gays can always reveal their own feelings to those girls without fear of being called something. and gays are happy.

6. what is the essence of being a woman


What are the qualifications/ways of a so-called private revelations (or miracle) to be accepted or acknowledged by the Church to be worthy of belief and must be accepted by all the faithfull members?

7. what is the essence of a woman?​

A woman is the personification of Ageless beauty, selfless Love, Purity, Grace and dignity. She Symbolises Virtue, Great Inner Strength, Tremendous Patience, Resilience and Fortitude.. The Same values she inculcates in Everyone around her.

8. what is the essence of being woman?

For me, a woman is more than her looks, figure, riches and name. The true essence of a woman is found within her. Her wit and complexity will show us how she is someone we shouldn't mess with while her passion will teach us kindness and courage in every form.

9. what is the essence of being an entrepreneur​


The essence of being an entrepreneur is the identification and exploitation of business opportunities, regardless of the resources entrepreneurs currently control. :)


10. what is the essence being a gay​


It is a feeling of freedom from people around judging you of your comparison to others. Everybody makes mistakes after all

11. What is the essence of being human?


Bilang isang Tao ay napakahalaga kase mas marami tayong magagawa na possible pala nating magawa kase ibang Tao walang tiwala satin.

Being a human being is much more than that, deeper and more passionate. Being a human being is to have the ability to know what is right and wrong,

Essence is defined as the "ultimate nature of a thing". With any deep analysis into the nature of being, it is important that we recognize our position in the process. We are hamstrung.

having rational thought and to think deeply beyond the tangible things in the world, and being a human being is to find love.

12. What is the essence of being a woman?

The essence of a woman is have a baby,wife and have a grandchild.To reproduce and make a better future by teaching her children the right values.

13. What is the essence of being a student?​


Student life is meant to help us learn discipline and study. Despite that, life is quite enjoyable. The struggle is low in student life. One must get up early in the morning to get ready for school.

14. what is the essence of being a teenager?

It's essence is you're going through puberty and developing into an adult so you experiment and explore on so many things that if you fail you'll have lots of lessons to learn.

15. What is the essence of Social Being?​


As humans, social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health. Research shows that having a strong network of support or strong community bonds fosters both emotional and physical health and is an important component of adult life.




Social Being and the Human Essence: An Unresolved Issue in Soviet Philosophy. A Dialogue with Russian Philosophers Conducted by David Bakhurst

16. what is the essence of being a woman?​


A woman is the personification of Ageless beauty, selfless Love, Purity, Grace and dignity. She Symbolises Virtue, Great Inner Strength, Tremendous Patience, Resilience and Fortitude.. The Same values she inculcates in Everyone around her.

17. what is the essence of being a teenager

             Some of the things that we do are all starts from curiousness. All teenagers has its own curiosity, they ask themselves if “what is this?”, “what is the feeling if I do this?” They have a lot of question if what, when, how, all starts from this questions.
            Teenagers wanted to try all the things under the sun; they want to know the things that they saw in other people especially if that someone is really enjoying in what he/she do. They wanted to know what will happen if they tried it on their own. And most of the teenagers wanted to try, even though sometimes the effect is not good for their young age.
            One of the example of this is love, many girls or even boys are so curious what is the feeling of being in love, what is the feeling of having a boyfriend/girlfriend, the feeling of courting a girl for boys. Some effects are good but most are bad for their young age. Some teenagers who get involved in a wrong romantic relationship will cause heart aches, bitterness in their heart, they become lonely emotionally. They will not focus on their study.
            Another example is vices like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in a very young age, nowadays, teenagers had involved in this kind of thing. Another is premarital sex that leads for a girl to have teenage pregnancy. Another worst thing that starts in curiosity is taking drugs.
But on the other side, curiosity has a good effect on our lives and eventually, all the invention of the entire scientist starts in curiosity that has good benefits in our lives. Teenagers that tried learned many lessons when they failed on the things that they tried or they have succeeded in what they did that starts in curiosity. Some became strong and get matured in their young age. They have new experiences that made them a better person. Some shared their experiences to others.
 The world offers different things, some are good and some are bad. Many things in this world are eye catching especially for teenagers, but teenagers, guard your mind, guard your eye, not all the things in this world is beneficial, not all curiosity is good.

18. What is the essence of being a human?

As a human, I would say the essence of being human is the way we always help each other no matter what. Like how we never kill other humans in order to get what we need like oil etc. What im saying is, all humans are very well natured. Those who call themselves "human" that also do bad stuff are not really human.

19. What's an essence of being a woman ?.

Just being a woman is God's gift that all of us must appreciate. The origin of a child is a mother, and is a woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman.

20. what is the essence of being a teenager?

The essence of being a teenager is we should enjoy every moment we have, don't waste our time on nothing because we have life to do something memorable another thing is don't carry the problem of the world on your shoulder it's because everyone is getting involved when it comes to our world's problem.

21. What is the essence of being a woman?​


The essence of being a woman is confidence. Self-confidence, self-believe and self-love, knowing yourself and loving yourself.

22. What is the essence of being a woman/man ​


The origin of a child is a mother, a woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman.” ... Being a woman means being strong, because you will find that your womanhood will need that strength, and when you let it, sometimes that strength will even find you.

23. What is the essence of being woman?

The essence of a woman is creating life inside her feminine body. And being a mother, is such a beautiful thing that a woman will become. She always shows what loving and caring is all about, and she never gets tired of showing it. As to what the top and famous answer would be " Just being woman is God's gift that all us must appreciate. The origin of a child is mother, and is a woman. She shows a man what sharing,caring, and loving is all about". This was answered by Miss Universe 1994, Sushmita.     

24. what is the essence of being a person​


The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection, that one is sometimes willing to commit sins for the sake of loyalty



25. what is the essence of being a woman ?

Just being a woman is a god gift that we must appreciate.. The origin of a child is a mother, and is a woman.. She shows a man what sharing, loving and caring all about..

26. What is the essence of a woman? ​


The essence of a woman is their intrinsic ability to bear a child.


This is because being a woman is actually a lot of things. But probably the most apt meaning of being a woman is this: The essence of womanhood is being able to combine gentleness and strength - gentle because this is a woman's nature and strength because this is what she needs to survive in the real world


27. What is the true essence of a woman?

To be a woman is more then just flowery clothing, a long skirt, earrings and makeup, the ability to birth children.A true woman embraces her femininity, whether she is milking cows in the barn, helping bring in hay, or cooking a meal for her family in her frilly apron. She is uniquely  feminine, and that does not change no matter what situation she finds herself in. Her heart is set on the Lord. She does not compromise her femininity with flirtatious looks, employ feminine charms to get her own way, or use her body to tempt men. She thinks on what is true, acts on what is virtuous, and teaches her children in the ways of the Lord. She is a true helpmeet to her husband, or a single handmaiden serving the Lord.She may not be blessed with abundant physical beauty, but her face may be radiant from the light of the Lord. This is what it is all about. The feminine, modest clothing side of things is just a coverup if your heart isn’t really set on striving to be a woman of God. Oh we all fall – I’m so incredibly weak I just shake my head somedays and pray harder.But we have to keep a vision before us of what we are striving for.It’s not to be a feminine character from a Jane Austen novel.We are made to get our hands dirty, to get on our knees and mop our floors, move our furniture around, and labor for hours on end to bring forth a miracle, a precious baby. Femininity has many different “faces” and not all of them are pretty, but they are all beautiful. 

28. what is the essence of being a teacher?

the essence of being a teacher is to transfer knowledge to students in a understandable way that's why being a teacher plays a valuable role in the society. they are the sources of knowledge in unlocking the potential of thei students

29. What is the essence of being a katipunero?

Answer: Kartilya ng Katipunana

30. what is the essence of being a woman?​


The Essence of Being a Woman is a message of inspiration, empowering women to live overflowing with an abundance of passion, love, joy, happiness, gratitude, and everything their heart desires. Its a celebration of the power inside every woman!






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