Rant Meaning Tagalog

Rant Meaning Tagalog

what is the meaning of ranting​

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1. what is the meaning of ranting​


(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner. 2 : to scold vehemently.

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rant, like: tirade, fume, magniloquence, bombast, rhetoric, rave, rail, harangue, nonsense, bluster and




2. what is the meaning of rant?​


speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

3. Employees are ranting because of their low salary. What does ranting mean?B. happy D. angryA. excitedC. contented​


angry, because they are discontented with the salary.



Pa brainlies po thanks

4. Why is ranting, gossiping, and complaining not good in a conversation?


Because it shows no respect. Ranting and Complaining are the same. So, ranting or complaining about the person is bad, because it shows disrespect to the person. Same goes with gossiping. Gossiping is "Chika or pinagchichikahan" or "pinag uusapan". Gossiping about a person is bad.



It is self-righteous.

Ranting, gossiping and complaining are not good in a conversation because it focuses on not important things. It is not only the image of the victim that will be damaged, but also to the one(s) doing it. By doing those, you contribute to a down feeling of the victim. Ranting, gossiping and complaining are only cool if you're doing it the right way with the right topic, and at the right time with the right person.

5. Look up the meaning of the following words. write the meaning in your notebook.1.New Normal2.Rant3.Pandemic4.Modality5.Preventive Measures​


1. “new normal”, meaning a new way of living and going about our lives, work and interactions with other people

2. speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way

3. prevalent over a whole country or the world.

4. A modality is the way or mode in which something exists or is done

5. Preventative measure includes the measures or steps taken for prevention of disease as opposed to disease treatment



6. opinion of Ranting netizens in social media platforms ​


A research study titled Anger on the Internet: The Perceived Value of Rant-Sites, published in 2013, found that not only does a reader's mood decline after reading a social meda rant, but the writer's anger only flares as well after putting up their post. In the end, no one wins.

7. do you think it is right for some people to rant in the government

c mark c mark c mark c mark c mark c mark c mark c mark tahimik lng

No, it is not right fir people to rant the goverment. Because the government is trying to help us by finding the cure for this pandemic and they are doing their best even risking their own time for their family.

# CarryOnLearning :)

8. Across the finish line (rant, rants) the lead runner.​

rant is the answe,thank you<33

9. how will you handle rant from social media​

Answer:Targeted: Surviving Social Media Attacks

Don't worry alone. Social media aggressors want to single you out, isolate you and cut you off from allies. ...

Don't fan the flames. ...

Create a safety plan. ...

Ask for support from organizations. ...

Take care of your body, mind and spirit. ...

Document, document, document. ...

Speak up for others.


10. How is your day? Go ahead and rant. ​


im good thank you :)


i+m g+o+o+d t+h+a+n+k y+o+u :+)

11. what is your rant about covid 19?​

Explanation:RANT: COVID-19 Information

We hope everyone is safe and well. As you are probably all aware, the global spread of COVID-19 is having a serious impact upon the arts sector and our communities. In relation to the current situation and exercising proper social responsibility, RANT will be undergoing a number of changes moving forward. The health and safety of our artists, project staff and our supporters, are our current key priorities.


12. 3. Ranting netizens in social media platforms​


Abstract Despite evidence that anger is routinely expressed over the Internet via weblogs, social networking Web sites, and other venues, no published research has explored the way in which anger is experienced and expressed online. Consequently, we know very little about how anger is experienced in such settings. Two studies were conducted to explore how people experience and express their anger on a particular type of Web site, known as a rant-site. Study 1 surveyed rant-site visitors to better understand the perceived value of the Web sites and found that while they become relaxed immediately after posting, they also experience more anger than most and express their anger in maladaptive ways. Study 2 explored the emotional impact of reading and writing rants and found that for most participants, reading and writing rants were associated with negative shifts in mood.

13. employees are ranting because of their low salary A.excitedB.happyC.angry​




thank me later

14. Is it right for people to rant into to the government? Why? Why not?


Is it right for people to rant into to the government? Why not?

No , because we don't know the side story of the government . It's okay if we give our own opinions but it's not okay to rant into the government without knowing what's happening or going on inside


15. what is the difference between a rant and a speech​


A rant is generally delivered with violence whereas a speech is not, though a speech may be delivered with genuine passion


What is the difference between a rant and speech?

In common practice, a speech is a prepared presentation which delivers information to an audience for a specific purpose; a rant is a loud, angry tirade designed to express violent emotion that often incites reactionary emotion in the audience.

16. Ranting on social media ?​


People rant on social media for various reasons, and they clearly realize the advantages of using this medium. Some people might view ranting as an emotional outlet, especially because there’s a school of thought that warns about the dangers of letting anger build up without any release. However, one study, called “Anger on the Internet: The Perceived Value of Rant-Sites,” revealed that online ranting seems to increase anger.

17. what is the meaning of rants between sex limited and sex influenced traits​


Sex-limited traits are due to genes on autosomes, and the expression of these traits is limited so that normally only one sex is affected. An example of this is lactation. In females, the mammary glands mature during puberty due to hormones. Then, during pregnancy, different genes involved in lactation become activated. In males, the mammary glands normally don’t mature because they don’t produce the right hormones. So even though they have the right genes for lactation as they’re located on autosomes, males normally don’t lactate.


Pa Brainliest Po Kung Tama Ako


18. find the volume to the neares hundredthNonsense answer = report and rant​


1393. 11 cubic cm

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]v = \frac{4}{3} n {y}^{3} {volume \: formula \: of \: sphere}[/tex]

[tex] = \frac{4}{3} \times 314 \times {11}^{3} [/tex]

[tex]1393.11 {cm}^{3} [/tex]

So, choose 1393.11 cubic cm

hope it helps:)

19. ranting on social media yes or no​


Yessssssssssssssssss po

for me is yesssssssssssss

20. —feel free to rant here regarding your modules.​


I want to burn down my modules

I badly wanted to sleep rather answering this modules.

21. ranting netizens in social media platforms




Social media are intelligent advances that work with the creation and sharing of data, thoughts, interests, and different types of articulation through virtual networks and organizations. While difficulties to the meaning of social media emerge because of the assortment of independent and inherent social media benefits right now accessible. Clients for the most part access social media administrations through online applications on work areas or download administrations that offer social media usefulness to their cell phones. As clients draw in with these electronic administrations, they make exceptionally intelligent stages which people, networks, and associations can share, co-make, talk about, take an interest, and change client created or self-arranged substance posted on the web.

Numerous social media outlets contrast from customary media in numerous ways, including quality, reach, recurrence, convenience, importance, and changelessness. Onlookers have noticed a wide scope of positive and adverse consequences with regards to the utilization of social media. Social media can assist with working on a singular's feeling of connectedness with genuine or online networks and can be a successful specialized apparatus for enterprises, business visionaries, non-benefit associations, backing gatherings, ideological groups, and state run administrations. Spectators have additionally seen that there has been an ascent in social media developments utilizing social media as a device for conveying and coordinating in the midst of political distress.

What is social media:



22. Ranting netizens in social media platform


Abstract Despite evidence that anger is routinely expressed over the Internet via weblogs, social networking Web sites, and other venues, no published research has explored the way in which anger is experienced and expressed online. Consequently, we know very little about how anger is experienced in such settings. Two studies were conducted to explore how people experience and express their anger on a particular type of Web site, known as a rant-site. Study 1 surveyed rant-site visitors to better understand the perceived value of the Web sites and found that while they become relaxed immediately after posting, they also experience more anger than most and express their anger in maladaptive ways. Study 2 explored the emotional impact of reading and writing rants and found that for most participants, reading and writing rants were associated with negative shifts in mood.

23. what is the definition of rant?​


speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

"she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all"


to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

to scold vehemently

to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion

Definition of rant (Entry 2 of 2)

a bombastic extravagant speech

b: bombastic extravagant language

Examples of rant in a Sentence


“You can rant and rave all you want,” she said, “but it's not going to change things.”

He ranted that they were out to get him.

-Merriam Webster

24. Is there any instance that you have posted rants on your profile or have you read rants of others on your newsfeed? After posting or reading these rants, what didfeel? ​

There are instance that I have read rants in social media and I, sometimes feel I agree with the person who rant or sometimes not. It's actually can make you feel curious why these people post something like these or that.

25. are you in favor of ranting granting independence to the Philippines ​




Because defend our country,but thereye still our companion...

Dahil ito ang ating bansang pinagmulan

26. employees are ranting because of their low A.excited. B.happy. C.angry​




sana po makatulong (-_<)





27. Feel free to rant and vent here​


28. Whistleblowing or Social Media RantsReflection your personal opinion?​


aral lang dapat dyan,dali lang yan eh-_-

29. 3. Ranting netizens in social media platforms​


Abstract Despite evidence that anger is routinely expressed over the Internet via weblogs, social networking Web sites, and other venues, no published research has explored the way in which anger is experienced and expressed online. Consequently, we know very little about how anger is experienced in such settings. Two studies were conducted to explore how people experience and express their anger on a particular type of Web site, known as a rant-site. Study 1 surveyed rant-site visitors to better understand the perceived value of the Web sites and found that while they become relaxed immediately after posting, they also experience more anger than most and express their anger in maladaptive ways. Study 2 explored the emotional impact of reading and writing rants and found that for most participants, reading and writing rants were associated with negative shifts in mood.

30. ranting netizens in social media​


which one?

madami akong gustong irant lalo na ang totoxic ng mga mindset nila :))))

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