Unpredictable In Tagalog

Unpredictable In Tagalog

riddle that is unpredictable

Daftar Isi

1. riddle that is unpredictable

Im a stronger than God, More evil than the devil, It is permanent. If you eat this you will die

Answer - nothingMaking unpredictable riddles mostly require what we call "Surprise factor" or an unexpected answer. Such as:

What can run, but can't walk?
A drop of water

Goes boom, but always goes by the room.
A speaker

2. development is unpredictable.​


In an unpredictable environment, as in a volatile stock market, it does not pay to invest heavily in a single option.

3. Is weather unpredictable?




Meteorologists have the job of predicting changes in weather, but there are a lot of factors that affect weather: temperature, air pressure, cloud patterns, precipitation, and wind factors including its speed, direction, and moisture level.

4. This kind of pattern is unpredictable and it often fractals?​


Image result for This kind of pattern is unpredictable and it often fractals?​

A fractal is a kind of pattern that we observe often in nature and in art. As Ben Weiss explains, “whenever you observe a series of patterns repeating over and over again, at many different scales, and where any small part resembles the whole, that's a fractal.”

Step-by-step explanation:

5. Unpredictable Weather Patterns (Svere Storms)


Climate describes long-term weather patterns, usually at least 20 to 30 years. In this case, analysts compared daily weather patterns to 20-year climate averages. The most meteorologically unpredictable areas are where the weather (the daily forecast) deviated the most from climate (long-term averages).

6. Construct five sentences with unfamiliar words then write their meaning before each sentence. Example: unpredictable – not able to be known The result of the investigation is unpredictable.(Marking as brainly, Reports nonsense)​

✎ The Question:

Construct five sentences with unfamiliar words then write their meaning before each sentence.

✎ The Answers:

Here are some of my favorite unfamiliar words* in these sentences:

1. duress - constraint by force or fear

She confessed under duress from her parents about her early pregnancy.

2. sapient - wise, enlightened

Plato, though known for being a sapient old man, was not able to save his life from his critics.

3. polyglot - multilingual; speaking several languages

A polyglot, Manuel has been a favorite tour guide of foreigners visiting Boracay.

4. vehement - ardent, fervid, sanguine

Becoming a father for the first time gave him a vehement enthusiasm.

5. bereft - desolated, saddened through loss.

The bereft puppies were sad when their mother dog was run over by a car.

*Note that the definitions of these words are taken from The New International Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus of the English Language, International Encyclopedic Edition.




7. change is rapid and unpredictable in its nature and extent.​




What Is VUCA? ... VUCA stands for: Volatile – change is rapid and unpredictable in its nature and extent. Uncertain – the present is unclear and the future is uncertain .


8. how predictable or unpredictable was the plot of the iron man​

Answer:Kinda predictable


Like he was one of the main heroes and obviously everybody loved him, would be unforgettable and historical if he died

9. unpredictable is it adverb or adjective?​


10. What are the 15 examples of unpredictable things?


Can u help me ap i post




The news. It's a weird and wonderful world out there with people doing all sorts of crazy stuff we could not foresee. ...

Sports. This should be more predictable right? ...

Politics from 2014 to present. There should be no real need to comment on this subject. ...

British weather. ...

Cloud Storage bills.

yan lng po kinaya ko sorry sana makatulong :)

11. Do you believe that the success of a person is unpredicted?​


Unpredictability is useful because people want something new to talk about.

Step-by-step explanation:

Unpredictability is useful because people want something new to talk about. We are social creatures and communication is a way for us to form bonds and relationships. Similar to bonds that happen in chemistry, new elements are formed when combining different elements together.

12. what happen when price rises unpredictably? ​



Price is both the money someone charges for a good or service and what the consumer is willing to give up to receive a good or service. Learning Objectives.

13. 1What is the prefix in the wordunpredictable? Suffix?​


the prefix is un


i hope it helps

14. What is the prefix, root, suffix, meaning of unpredictable​


Prefix: un-

Root word: predict

Suffix: -able


Prefix: un

Suffix: able

Root Word: predict

15. This kind of pattern is unpredictable and it often contains fractals.


visual patterns in nature

16. is a component of that situation in which event and outcomes are unpredictable​


Uncertainty is a component of that situation, in which events and outcomes are unpredictable.

17. it refers to the elements where the story becomes unpredictable.



it refers to the situational categorization where there is a tendency of change

18. do you believe that love is unpredictable ​




bcecause we didn't know that we're in love to that someone it just came in unexpected time.

19. it is inevitable and unpredictable​


The "Tomorrow/Future" is my answer


20. _________blankprotects a firm against unpredictable demand.

that is a good time to get the same time as I have a great day

21. An earthquake is 1.(predictable,unpredictable)​

An earthquake is 1.(predictable , unpredictable)​

Neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.

earthquake is unpredictable. Neither the USGS nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake. We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.

22. 4'33 is a three movement composed of element of unpredictability​


4′33″ (pronounced "four minutes, thirty-three seconds" or just "four thirty-three" is a three-movement composition by American experimental composer John Cage (1912–1992). It was composed in 1952, for any instrument or combination of instruments, and the score instructs performers not to play their instruments during the entire duration of the piece throughout the three movements. The piece consists of the sounds of the environment that the listeners hear while it is performed, although it is commonly perceived as "four minutes thirty-three seconds of silence"The title of the piece refers to the total length in minutes and seconds of a given performance, 4′33″ being the total length of the first public performance.


"hope it's help"

23. is Unpredictable an example of weather or climate or both?​


Weather is actually predictable but climate is not actually the same. Climate change is caused by humans. I do think predicting climate change is based on human's movements. If humans do good for environment, then there will be no climate change. Therefore, Climate is more unpredictable.

24. Are geologic processes unpredictable?​

Answer: yes

Geological processes have helped to create many iconic features on Earth. Processes, such as plate tectonics, are what shapes the face of the Earth. Here you can discover the power of geological processes.

25. Why earthquake is unpredictable


Earthquakes are unpredictable. No one knows exactly how to predict earthquakes.


Three elements are required for a prediction:

1) the date and time,

2) the location,

3) and the magnitude.

Reliable predictions also require precursors, any kind of signal in the Earth indicating that an earthquake is about to occur. Unfortunately, most precursors occur without being followed by an earthquake. Hence, a real prediction is impossible.

Instead, using scientific basis, a forecast can be made by means of probabilistic terms only. Most earthquakes occur in predictable locations known as fault zones. Places with high rate of historic activity have higher chances of having an earthquake in a future period as well. These forecasts might also change as the models used in calculating the chances of earthquakes are updated on a regular basis.

The following links may provide you with more information.

Earthquake magnitude versus intensity. https://brainly.ph/question/2390185

Origin of earthquakes.


26. what is prefix in the word unpredictable? suffix? ​


Prefix: un

Suffix: able

Un + predict+ able = unpredictable


I hope it helps ><

27. what are some problems that may come unpredictably?​




yes(im sure because no one mnow when they are dying)

dying po

correct me if were wrong

28. Why does future is so unpredictable?

Because it's irrelevance .,.

More like that is a rhetorical question

.,. I was thinking myself

to answer or not to answer

29. it is the effect of unpredictable and unanalyzed forces in determining event.​


Exposure to uncontrollable, unpredictable appetitive events produces a variety of cognitive debilitations and vegetative changes, as does exposure to uncontrollable, unpredictable aversive events. Similarities include impaired escape from aversive events, impaired discrimination, finicky consumption, analgesia, and body weight loss.

30. unpredictable climate change/own understanding ​


Climate change describes a change in the average conditions — such as temperature and rainfall — in a region over a long period of time. NASA scientists have observed Earth's surface is warming, and many of the warmest years on record have happened in the past 20 years.

Factors that affect climate:

Latitude. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. This is the most important, and it is based on the concentration of sunlight and the area that it affects.Ocean currents. Certain ocean currents have different temperatures. Warm ocean currents warm the air above it, which warms the coast. Cold ocean currents cool the air above it, which cools the coast. This helps keep the coast at a consistent temperature.Wind and air masses. Heated ground causes air to rise which results in lower air pressure. As it rises it cools and descends to the ground resulting in high air pressure. This cycle repeats, creating wind. These air masses absorb the climate of the air below it.Elevation. The higher up you are, the colder and drier it will be. When air rises it expands due to low air pressure which causes it to cool.Relief. The differences in the elevation inland. As air is forced to rise over a piece of land (e.g., a mountain) the temperature decreases and condensation increases. As it condensates water droplets get bigger and heavier and are forced to fall. Once the air mass goes over the mountain the temperature and evaporation increases but condensation decreases, resulting in a halt in precipitation and rain shadows


hope it helps

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