Poster Making About Radiation

Poster Making About Radiation

Poster about harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation?

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1. Poster about harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation?


Over-exposure to certain types of electromagnetic radiation can be harmful. ... infrared radiation is felt as heat and causes skin to burn. X-rays damage cells causing mutations (which may lead to cancer) and cell death - this is why doctors and dentists stand behind protective screens when taking lots of X-rays.


pls mark me as ur brainliest thanks have a nice day!

2. poster making of the risks of too much exposure to radiation​




In physical science, radiation is the outflow or transmission of energy as waves or particles through space or through a material medium. Radiation is regularly classified as either ionizing or non-ionizing relying upon the energy of the transmitted particles. Ionizing radiation conveys in excess of 10 eV, which is to the point of ionizing iotas and atoms and break substance bonds. This is a significant qualification because of the huge distinction in destructiveness to living organic entities. A typical wellspring of ionizing radiation is radioactive materials that discharge α, β, or γ radiation, comprising of helium cores, electrons or positrons, and photons, individually. Different sources incorporate X-beams from clinical radiography assessments and muons, mesons, positrons, neutrons and different particles that comprise the optional grandiose beams that are delivered after essential enormous beams communicate with Earth's environment.

"Radiation" emerges from the peculiarity of waves emanating from a source. This viewpoint prompts an arrangement of estimations and actual units that are appropriate to a wide range of radiation. Since such radiation extends as it goes through space, and as its energy is moderated, the force of a wide range of radiation from a point source keeps a reverse square law comparable to the separation from its source. Like any ideal law, the reverse square law approximates a deliberate radiation force to the degree that the source approximates a mathematical point.

a-What is radiation? -


3. Make a poster slogan about the effect of electromagnetic radiation in our environment and other living thingsPa Help po Thx!​

Slogan About The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation

"If the natural environment is altered and the levels of electromagnetic radiation rise, then it may result in human illness and disease." - Steven Magee

Radiation that moves in waves and has both magnetic and electric forces is known as electromagnetic radiation. Both natural and artificial sources are used to make it. Electromagnetic radiation can have a low or high power. There are several examples, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.

Exposure to electromagnetic fields is not a recent phenomenon. However, as a result of rising power use, growing technology, and changes in social behavior, there have been more artificial sources created and exposed to the environment over the course of the 20th century. At home and at work, everyone is exposed to a complex mixture of weak electric and magnetic fields from various sources, including the production and transmission of electricity, household and industrial equipment, telecommunications, and broadcasting.

Little electrical currents are present in the human body even without external electric fields because of chemical reactions that occur as part of routine internal processes. For instance, nerves transmit signals by delivering electric impulses. From digestion to brain function, the bulk of biological processes involves the rearrangement of charged particles. An ECG can be used by your doctor to identify the electrical activity of the heart.

The human body is affected by low-frequency electric fields in the same way as other charged particle-containing materials are. The distribution of electric charges at the surface of conductive materials is influenced by electric fields. To the ground, they conduct current through the body.

To know more about related the topic, visit the link below:


4. Directions: Write an acrostic poem about EM radiation. Use each letter the word EM Radiation" as the beginning of a word or line that te something about the effect of em radiation. ​




yan ang alam ko

5. poster (digital or manual) on the effects of EM radiation on the living things and the environment as a way to make awareness among the people of the community.​


Digital Poster

Title: Protect Our Environment from Electromagnetic Radiation

Image: A picture of the Earth with energy waves emanating from it.

Text: Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) can be harmful to people and the environment. EMR is produced by devices like cell phones, computers, Wi-Fi routers, and other electronics. Prolonged exposure to EMR can cause health issues such as headaches, fatigue, and even cancer. It can also interfere with wildlife and disrupt their natural habitats.

Help protect our environment and our health by limiting our exposure to EMR. Reduce the use of your electronic devices, keep your Wi-Fi router away from areas where you spend a lot of time, and turn off your cell phone when not in use.

Take action today to make a healthier and safer environment for us all!

6. make collage about the solution on how to reduce the effects of em radiation hazards.​



Search in gogle collage about the solution on how to reduce the effects of em radiation hazards then you see the colleges

7. Make 2 slogan about How to reduce the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards?


Here are two potential slogans about reducing the effects of electromagnetic radiation hazards:

"Unplug to reduce radiation exposure - power down and disconnect when not in use."

"Limit your exposure - keep a safe distance from sources of electromagnetic radiation."

These slogans focus on taking practical steps to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation, such as unplugging devices when not in use and maintaining a safe distance from sources of radiation. By taking these precautions, we can help to reduce the potential health risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

8. Make a slogan about a reminder on how to minimize or prevent the harmful effect of Electromagnetic Radiation ​


Cover up in the warmth: blast from the past however goodie, “slip, slop, slap” and wear a cap

9. 'APPLICATION' Create an informational POSTER or BROCHURE about one particular topic. For example, cell phone radiation (and the misconception that it can cause cancer; cell phones are not a source of ionizing radiation), radiation by medical equipment etc.


Illuminating Part




Iris Diaphragm


Magnifying Part

Eyepiece or Ocular

Eyepiece Tube

Objective Lenses


Coarse and Fine Focus knobs


Mechanical Part





10. Make a collage about the solution on how to reduce the effects of EM radiations hazard​


Humans cannot sense ionizing radiation. When we have been in the sun too long our body usually tells us itʻs time to get in the shade. Ionizing radiation is different. We cannot see, hear or sense ionizing radiation under normal circumstances, unless we have radiation detector to help us out.

11. Make a rhyming slogan about how to reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation..


"Reduce your exposure, protect your brain,

Use a headset or speaker, don't make a strain.

Turn off your devices, when they're not in use,

Take a break from screens, it's not hard to choose.

Electromagnetic radiation, it's all around,

But by following these steps, you'll keep it bound."

12. poster on "the effects of EM radiation on the living things and the environment" as a way to make awareness among the people of the community.​

Sure, I can help you create a poster on the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment. Here are some possible ideas for the poster:

The title of the poster could be something like "EM Radiation: A Threat to Life and the Environment".

The poster could include a brief explanation of what EM radiation is and how it affects living things and the environment. You could include information on the different types of EM radiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays, and how each of these types of radiation can affect living organisms and the environment.

The poster could include some examples of the harmful effects of EM radiation, such as the increased risk of cancer and other diseases, DNA damage, and harm to plants and animals.

The poster could also include some suggestions for ways to reduce exposure to EM radiation, such as using shielding materials, avoiding prolonged exposure to mobile phones and other devices that emit EM radiation, and using EM radiation-free alternatives whenever possible.

The poster could also include some compelling visual elements, such as images of the different types of EM radiation, diagrams showing how EM radiation affects living things and the environment, and pictures of people and animals affected by EM radiation.

Overall, the goal of the poster should be to raise awareness about the potential dangers of EM radiation and to encourage people to take steps to protect themselves and the environment from its harmful effects.

13. write 150 word essay about everyday radiation and potential dangers of radiation ​


Radiation is one of the most dangerous and easiest way of having health effects. Radiation was first discovered by Roentgen. Hazards are the first things people need to know in order to understand what it can do to your body. It causes many health effects on everyone out in the world. It harms people in the dentistry and field and even in the medical field. Normal people out the world can also be exposed when coming into one of these offices and getting x-rays of some type.

The energy in ionizing radiation can cause chemical changes in the the cells that can lead to damaging them. Most of the cells can either permanently or temporarily become abnormal or they can just die. Radiation can cause cancer by damaging the DNA in the body. The damage of the cells can also depend on how long the organs are exposed

If someone has many exposures at one time that radiation in the body keeps adding on. As well as if its only a little bit of exposure in on day and years later you get exposed again it keeps adding on the radiation will never leave the body. Having radiation in your body doesn’t affect you right away but as you get older it starts to show and you feel it. Chronic exposure is when someone is exposed many time for long periods. When this happens the type of effects it will carry is having harmful generic change, cancer, tumors, and even cataracts.



Many uses of radiation help to ensure the high quality and safety of our daily lives. Smoke detectors to warn us of fire, x-ray machines to detect weapons or other devices in luggage and cargo, and certain types of imaging to look for diseases are all application of radiation for the benefit of society.

Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation sickness"). It can also result in long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

14. create a slogan, poster, poem or song that implies about the awareness on the bad and good effects of em radiation​


computer screens?cellphones? PCs?stop radiation,use books to RADIATIONS

no cp,no waste of money





Electric utility companies are in the process of installing smart meters at all of their customer locations, which are making thousands of their customers sick. These meters emit microwave radiation in the 900+ megahertz frequency band, which is known to cause weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, pain, and immune system disruption. These smart meters broadcast intense bursts of microwave radiation through the air many times per minute, 24-hours a day.

Smart meters also add high frequency electromagnetic radiation in the kilohertz frequency band to the electrical wiring of every building where they are attached. This electromagnetic radiation is also harmful. It turns the electric wiring in buildings into giant antennas that fill the interior spaces with radiation frequencies that are known to alter human biological functioning. These same frequencies are used in medical research to block the activity of nerves.

The nationwide installation of smart meters is like a time bomb ticking, because the harmful effects are cumulative — it can take 5 or 10 years of exposure to evoke a life-threatening illness.

At some point, it will not be thousands who suffer from electromagnetic radiation sickness, but there will be an explosion of illness. There will be millions of people who are experiencing chronic disability and fatal illness from exposure that spanned many decades.

The current epidemics of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even autism will intensify until very few of us will be able to escape these devastating illnesses. Others will suffer for decades with chronic fatigue, unexplained anxiety, and attention deficits until a life-threatening illness makes its ugly appearance.

It is true that the majority of people feel nothing when exposed to electromagnetic radiation such as microwave transmissions from smart meters and cell phones. Even if people can’t identify reactions to this exposure, proteins within their cells are being permanently altered.

At present, very few healthcare providers in the conventional medical system consider electromagnetic exposure to be causative for the diseases they treat. They are either unaware of the scientific research on electromagnetic radiation and illness or they are skeptics who don’t believe that unseen and unfelt electromagnetic radiation can have an effect upon the bodies and minds of their patients.


15. essay about electromagnetic radiation​


Electromagnetic radiation is defined as "the emission and transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves" (Chang, pp. 246). An electromagnetic wave consists of two waves at perpendicular planes, on representing the electrical field while the other represents the magnetic field. This spectrum is split up into about 81 octaves, much like the octaves of sound, which scientists have categorized in order to depict the usefulness of the different properties. Theoretically electromagnetic waves can be as long as the expansive width of the universe in one wave, to a wavelength the size of a quanta (the smallest amount of energy that can be transmitted). That, however, is at this point in time negligible because we either cannot detect wavelengths so extremely large or infinitesimally small. So generally the spectrum is regarded to be set between 30,000,000 km and .0001 angstroms (1 km is equal to 1 X 10^13 angstroms).

            The longest and least energetic of the accepted wavelengths are radio waves. Their wavelengths range from 300,000 km to 30 cm and a frequency of 30 kHz to 3,000,000 kHz. The waves are used in the transmission of radio and television signals. AM and FM radio signals fall in the long-wave radio range, while TV signals use the short-wave radio range, somewhere in the 3 m wavelength. Radio waves take up about 30 of the 81 octaves.

            The next slightly more energetic and shorter wavelength is microwaves. Obviously, most are familiar with microwaves since they are always being used to cook food, but microwaves are also used in radiotelescopes and radar, even the radiation from a neutral hydrogen atom falls in this range. Microwave range extends from wavelengths of 30 cm to .3 cm and frequencies of 1-100 billion cycles per second. This corresponds to 6 1/2 octaves.

            Then comes the infrared range. While much of the radio spectrum passes easily through our atmosphere, in:^






16. Make a short but creative poem about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on living things and the environment. ​


Skins touch with a shocking wave of electromagnetic beats,

the tempo of our hearts sync in melodies.

When you kiss me with your tender lips, my mind becomes...


Earthly fields summon my spirit when you come unto me with your sweet lavishing ways.

You lay there...on my bed, with's just us 2 alone with the TV on and when i turn to look at you, your eyes are more of a sharp blue than the daylight brings.

I laid there with my eyes closed and felt the gentle grasp of your hand massage my ****, when i slowly opened my eyes around the room...i see you, staring at me with those Electromagnetic eyes and once again we fall into a trance for loves best symphonies.

Whenever you're with me,

The room,

My soul,

Our bodies...become...


17. Please help me to make a slogan about electromagnetic radiation awareness ​




hope this will help you

18. make a Poem about EM radiationHelphelphelp​


you have some 1 day left to survive



Some forms of electromagnetic radiation, which is radiation found in different kinds of light waves, including ultraviolet light and X-rays, can cause damage to the DNA inside a living cell. When DNA is damaged by radiation, it can lead to cell death or to cancer.


#Carry on learning

20. Please help me to make slogan about radiation safety awareness​

•Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.

•Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!

•Safety rules are your best tools.

pili ka na lang

21. PERFORMANCE TASK 3: POSTER DRAWING OF THE EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION TO LIVING THINGS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Materials: Short bondpaper pencil Coloring materials (crayons, oil pastels) Introduction: Electromagnetic radiation can be both harmful and useful to living things and the environtment, Low-frequency radiations aro non-ionizing and therefore have minimal effects, while those with higher frequencies are ionizing and more. In this performance task, you are going to make a colorful poster that highlights the effects of electromagnetic radiation to living things and the environment. Show cast your imagination and creativity to produce a desirable output. Procedure: 1. Recall the concepts that you have learned from your week 3 & 4 lessons. 2. Put the concepts together and make a poster drawing that shows BOTH the positive and negative effects of electromagnetic radiations to the living things and the environment. 3 Provide a short explanation of the message that your poster drawing wants to convey.


pa translate po please



22. acrostics about RADIATION​


R- adiation is the movement of energy through empty space by waves

A - material that is

D - ark is a move likely to absorb

I - nvisible radiant energy: heat rays from the sum

A - greenhouse is specially built to

T - rap these invisible rays,which help plants grow

I - n the atmosphere, these rays are trapped to give people

O - n earth their heat, but

N - ow, more than enough heat is being trapped

23. Truth about microwaves radiation? ​


Microwaves are not known to cause cancer. Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to heat food, but this does not mean that they make food radioactive. Microwaves heat food by causing water molecules to vibrate and, as a result, food is heated.



Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats food. Exposure to high levels of microwaves can cause a painful burn. Two areas of the body, the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry away excess heat.Dec 12,

Microwave is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from about one meter to one millimeter corresponding to frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz respectively. Different sources define different frequency ranges as microwaves; the above broad definition includes both UHF and EHF bands.

Microwaves have a frequency ranging between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. The wavelength of microwaves ranges from 1 mm to around 30 cm. Microwave radiations lie in between the radio waves and infrared radiations. Microwaves are short-wavelength radio waves having frequencies in the gigahertz (GHz) range.Sep 5, 2022

24. make a make a slogan about a reminder on how to minimize or prevent the harmful effect of electromagnetic radiation ​


kimbirush thanks for the answer

25. Directions: Write an acrostic poem about EM radiation. Use each letter of the word "EM Radiation" as the beginning of a word or line that tells something about the effect of EM radiation. E M RADIATION ​

Write about EM radiation and its effects.

Changes in physiological indices, genetic impacts, and immunological function may all be caused by electromagnetic radiation.

Radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays are examples of electromagnetic (EM) radiation. Although visible light is a form of electromagnetic energy, it is only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, which includes a vast range of wavelengths. Previously, electricity and magnetism were regarded to be distinct forces. James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, proposed a unified theory of electromagnetism in 1873. Electromagnetism is the study of how electrically charged particles interact with one another and magnetic fields. EM (electromagnetic) radiation is produced when an atomic particle, such as an electron, is accelerated by an electric field and moves.

Acrostic poem for effects of EM radiation


26. What makes radiation dange What makes radiation dangerous to humans? rous to humans?


Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation sickness").


27. subtopic about radiation

Ano po di ko Po gets sorry bawi ako next question nyu hehe

28. how did it change your view about radiation specifically the em radiation?​


Being aware of the radiation and it's effects, one must limit exposure time, maintain long distance from the source if possible, and use protective measures to minimize it's effect.


Radiation Caused Cellular Damage


when cells are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, these DNA strands can be broken. this can cause a lot of problems, if DNA is damaged, it can impair the ability of living cells to function the way they should

30. Please help me to make a slogan about electromagnetic radiation awareness​


The entrance to the natural EM senses is now guarded by artificially monstrous EM waves carrying every kind of pattern irrelevant to nature, from TV sitcoms to defense radar broadcasts. It is as though we have covered the whole surface of the globe with a slum of slovenly, impalpable constructions during the past eighty years or so since Marconi. They are literally skyscrapers in as much as they touch the ionosphere and are reflected from it. They are tenements full of the disorderly displays of sitcoms and the sterile reflections of military radar.


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