It s Not Time To Make A Change

It s Not Time To Make A Change

Modified True or False. Write true if the statements is correct and if it is falsr change the underline word/s to make statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided. _______1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time. _______2. if an object​

Daftar Isi

1. Modified True or False. Write true if the statements is correct and if it is falsr change the underline word/s to make statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided. _______1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time. _______2. if an object​


1. Motion not Displacement

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. Displacement not Distance

2. ELFSCHEUSIA Write True on the blank if the statement is correct. If the statement is falseunderline the word or phrase that makes it wrong, and then write the correctword or phrase on the blank1. Speed is defined as the rate of change of distance with respect totime.2. Velocity is the rate of change of displacement with respect totime.1113. The Sl unit of acceleration is m/s.4. When speed increases with time, acceleration also increases withtime.5. When an object changes direction without changing its speed, it isacceleratingEncircle the letter of the correct answer.​






3. I.MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write the word TRUE is the statement is correcit is wrong, replace the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.1. Charles Darwin do not agree with Lamarck that species change over time.​





4. Directions: Supply the correct word to make the sentence complete.1. The earth rs around the sun.2. The shape of the earth's orbit around the sun is e_1.3. The time for one complete revolution of the earth is one y--r.4. The amount of sunlight and the length of the day depend upon how the earth'saxis istd towards or away from the sun.5. c.also changes when the earth moves around the sun because ofchanging amount of sunlight on the earth's surface.7​

Paki click nalang po ung pic

#hope it help

#mark brainliest answer


#mark Verifide answer


tama po yan si nearch ko po sa göögle

\( ˆoˆ)/\(ˆoˆ )/


1. rotates
2. elliptical
3. year
4. tilted
5. cosmic rays

5. DIRECTION: Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided. _______________1. Displacementis defined as the change in position over an interval of time. _______________2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating. _______________3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle. _______________4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s). _______________5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.


False 1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

Correct Statement

Velocity is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

True 2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating.

True 3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle.

True 4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s).

False 5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.

Correct Statement

Displacement is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.



6. Directions Read and analyze the questions and choose the letter of the best answer.1. Which of the following is the correct description of momentum?A. The product of force and timeB. The product of mass and velocityC The product of force and distanceD. The change in velocity per unit time2. Which of the following is not a factor affecting momentum?A AccelerationB. ForceC. MassD. Velocity3. How much is the momentum if a 2000 kg truck is traveling at 20 m/s East?A. 4.000 kg m/s WestB. 4.000 kg m/s SouthC 40,000 kg m/s EastD. 40.000 kg m/s North4. A baseball is struck by a bat with a force of 2800 N in 0.4s. What is the changein momentum experienced by the baseball?A. 0.1 N'sB 112 N-sC 1.120 N-sD. 11.200 NS5. Why do you think is the gymnasium for gymnastics surrounded by soft andflexible pads?A To make the gymnasium lighting better.B. To make the gymnasium pleasing to the audience.C. To prevent the athletes from eating while in training.D. To prolong the time of breaking the fall to decrease impact forces acting ongymnasts.​


1. D






I hope this could help you

pa vote sa brainliest

7. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is wrong change the underlined word to make the statement correct. 1. Motion is the change in position of an object over time in relation to a reference point. 2. A reference point is any fixed object that remains in its position while a specific object moves. 3. Displacement is the total path length an object has traveled. 4. Velocity refers to the displacement covered by a moving object per unit time. 5. Displacement has both magnitude and direction. 6. Positive speed shows an object is moving backward 7. Speed refers to the distance traveled by an object per unit time. 8. There is speed when there is change in position 9. The formula for distance is distance-speed/time 10. The unit for distance is m/s.


1. true

2. true

3. false

4. true

5. false

6. true

7. true

8. false

9. true

10. true

8. B. Write T if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word/s to make thestatement correct.1. The measure of how far or near two points are from one another is called d͟i͟s͟t͟a͟n͟c͟e͟.2. Speed can be calculated by m͟u͟l͟t͟i͟p͟l͟y͟i͟n͟g͟ the distance cover by an object in motion by theamount of time spent to cover the distance.3. Motion is a change in position with respect to a r͟e͟f͟e͟r͟e͟n͟c͟e͟ p͟o͟i͟n͟t͟.4. v͟e͟l͟o͟c͟i͟t͟y͟ is the speed of the object in a particular direction.5.d͟i͟s͟t͟a͟n͟c͟e͟ is measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (kph).​




hindi ko po alam yung sagot







pa Brainly

9. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, change the underlined word/s to make it true.___________1. The volume of the prism is three times the volume of the pyramid.___________2. The volume of a pyramid is one-third the volume of the prism.___________3. The volume of a cone cannot be determined from the volume of a cylinder. ___________4. The total volume of the cylinder equals four times the volume of the cone.___________5. The volume of the sphere is twice the volume of the cylinder.​


1 true 2 true 3 false 4 true 5 false

10. Directions: Write T if the underlined word/s is true and if it is false changes the underlined word/s to make the statement/s true. Write your answer on the space provided.______1. To believe in the Holy Spirit means to accept him as co-worker with God._____2. Virgin Mary never wavered in faith, believing God' s will for her._____3. To Abraham God was the assurance of truth._____4. Jesus, as the Beloved Son of God and the Word made Flesh dwelling among servants, has revealed the true of the Father for He was with the Father from the beginning of time._____5. Faith is primarily believing, but also doing.​








it's because that is based of what I read

11. 3. It refers to the mode of exercise being performed. T _ P _4. This principle indicates the need for an individual S P _ C _ F I _ I T 5. It is writing down the amounts, times, days, and other measure factors. M E _ S _ R _ _ L E6. It indicates the load could be increased gradually overtime to remain affective and safe for best results. P R _ G _ E _ S _ O N7. A training program that maintains individual's interest and provides a change of pace while still making progress toward desired goals. V _ R _ A T I _ N​




yun lang alam ko

12. 5. RECORD AND ANALYZE THE RESULTS Make sure to record what is happening as well as the results. Note changes at specific time intervals or after one set time interval. When each ice cube is completely melted, add drawings if you wish at the end results. Was your prediction accurate? If it is not accurate, state the reason/s.​


paki pic po nlang ang module po parA mas maintindihan ko po thanks

13. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct otherwise change the underlined word to make the statement correct. 1. Triangulation method helps seismologists determine the epicenter of an earthquake. 2. The minimum number of recording stations needed in Triangulation Method is two. 3. Primary wave or P wave arrives before the secondary wave or S wave. 4. The intersection of three circles is where the focus located. 5. If the time difference is 49.8 s, then the distance from epicenter of the recording station is 601.2 km.​


1. True

2. FALSE The minimum number of recording stations needed in Triangulation Method is three.




d=td/8 seconds x 100km 49.8=td

49.8x100=4,980 divided by 8 is = 622.5 therefore it's false

14. II. LEARNING TASKSLearning Task 1True or False: Read and understand the sentences below. Write the wordTRUE if it is correct otherwise encircle the word that makes thestatement false and change it to make s statement correct1. Dance is an activity where you move your body in time with the music.2. Hip hop is an original idea and artistic work3. Interpretative dance is a street dance characterized by differentdance styles.4. Singkil is an example of Modern Dance.5. Dancing boosts self-esteem.​



Learning Task 1

True or False: Read and understand the sentences below. Write the word

TRUE if it is correct otherwise encircle the word that makes the

statement false and change it to make s statement correct

1. Dance is an activity where you move your body in time with the music.

2. Hip hop is an original idea and artistic work

3. Interpretative dance is a street dance characterized by different

dance styles.

4. Singkil is an example of Modern Dance.

5. Dancing boosts self-esteem.


1. True


3. False

4. False

5. False


# Carry on learning

# Hope it helps

# Stay safe po

15. A. Write T if the statement is true and, if false, change the underlined word to make the statement true. 1. If an object changes its direction, the object is accelerating. 2. If an object slows down, the object is accelerating. 3. If an object speeds up, the object is accelerating. 4. If an object has a constant velocity, its acceleration is greater than zero. 5. Acceleration is mathematically defined as the rate of change in speed over time. 6. The SI unit for acceleration is m/s? 7. If vi and Vf have same directions, the object is speeding up. 8. If v; and vf have same directions, the object is slowing down. 9. Acceleration is scalar quantity. 10. If an object is moving with velocity of 10m/s and then stopped after 1s, its acceleration is 0 m/s2.​














16. Write T if the statement is true. If it's false, write T and change the underline word to make the statement true. ( The word with " is the underlined word ) 1. "Velocity" is usually expressed in km/h or m/s. 2. An object is decelerating if it is "gaining" speed. 3. When the distance travelled is divided by the time it takes to cover the distance, the resulting measurement is speed. 4. A change is an object's position is called force. 5. When a car speeds up, it accelerates.


1. T (but it can also be speed)

2. losing

3. T

4. motion

5. T

(Review the answers to make sure their correct because I am not sure with numbers 1 and 4.)

17. DIRECTION: Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided. _______________1. Displacementis defined as the change in position over an interval of time. _______________2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating. _______________3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle. _______________4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s). _______________5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.


False 1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

Correct Statement

Velocity is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

True 2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating.

True 3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle.

True 4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s).

False 5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.

Correct Statement

Displacement is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.



DIRECTION:  Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided.

False 1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.  

Velocity is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.  

True 2. If an object does not change its position at a given time interval, then it is at rest, or its speed is zero or not accelerating.

True 3. A Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle.

True 4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s).

False 5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and Its point of destination.

Displacement is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and Its point of destination.


18. Make sure to record what is happening as well as the results. Note changes atspecific time intervals or after one set time interval. When each ice cube iscompletely melted, add drawings if you wish at the end results. Was yourprediction accurate? If it is not accurate, state the reason/s.​

I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the lockouts page and the other day.

19. Make sure to record what is happening as well as the results. Note changes atspecific time intervals or after one set time interval. When each ice cube iscompletely melted, add drawings if you wish at the end results. Was yourprediction accurate? If it is not accurate, state the reason/s.​




because there are always a rainbow after the rain

20. ENRICHWritten WorksModified True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is falsechange the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answerin the space provided.1. Displacementis defined as the change in position over an interval oftirne.2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then itis at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed ofa vehicle.4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometersper hour (km/h), or meters per second(m/s).5. Distance is the shortest length between the object's point of originand its point of destination.​


1.true 2.false3.true4.true5.true

21. C. Write I if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word to make thestatement true. Write your answer on the blank before the number.10. Velocity is usually expressed in km/h or m/s.11. An object is accelerating if it is gaining speed12. When the distance travelled is divided by the time it takes to cover the distance,theresulting measurement is speed.13. A change in an object's position is called force.14. When car speeds up, it accelerates.​

10. true
11. true
12. true
13. false
14. false

Correct answer

22. Learning Task 4: Modified True or FalseDirections: Write True if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect,change the underlined word(s) to make it correct.1. Quarter means 14 an hour.2. Ante Meridiem (a.m.) means the time is before 12 midnight and after 12 noon.3. Post Meridiem (p.m.) means the time is after 12 noon and before 12 midnight.4. 12-hour clock were used by soldiers.5. "Before" in "5 minutes before 1 PM" means you have to add from the currenttime.​

False -12TrueTrueFalse -24hourTrue

23. Direction: Write T if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.The measure of how far or near two points are from one another is called distance.Speed can be calculated by multiplying the distance cover by an object in motion by the amount of time spent to cover the distance.Motion is a change in position with respect to a reference point.Velocity is the speed of the object in a particular direction.Distance is measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (kph).


1. true

2. false

3. true

4. false

5. true

ok na po❤

24. 5. RECORD AND ANALYZE THE RESULTSMake sure to record what is happening as well as the results. Note changes atspecific time intervals or after one set time interval. When each ice cube iscompletely melted, add drawings if you wish at the end results. Was yourprediction accurate? If it is not accurate, state the reason/s.​




Learn to pronounce


a statement or account that makes something clear.

"the birth rate is central to any explanation of population trends"

25. Write True if the statement is correct, if False, underline the word/s that make/s the statement incorrect and write the correct answer before each number. _______________1. When preparing food, apply ‘mise en place’. _______________2. In cooking food, use rot ingredients. _______________3. Cook meat and vegetables until tender, do not undercook or overcook them. _______________4. Bring bigger amount of bills to avoid hassle of waiting to get your change. _______________5. Leafy vegetables should be cooked in longer time._______________6. Wash all the ingredients needed after cutting to prevent nutrients loss. _______________7. Make sure that all ingredients have uniform size and cut in the same way to ensure they will be cooked at the same time. _______________8. In cooking vegetables make sure that the water is boiling before dropping them in.Answer The QuestionWhy is it important to have a market list?​

1. false underline; apply mise en place

2. false underline: rot ingredients

3. True

4. True

5. True

6. true

7. true

8. true

Why is it important to have a market list?

A market list has everything that you have to buy, you need a market list In order for you to not forget anything that you need to buy.

26. A. Write T if the statement is true and, if false, change the underlined word to make the statement true. 1. If an object changes its direction, the object is accelerating. 2. If an object slows down, the object is accelerating. 3. If an object speeds up, the object is accelerating. 4. If an object has a constant velocity, its acceleration is greater than zero. 5. Acceleration is mathematically defined as the rate of change in speed over time. 6. The SI unit for acceleration is m/s? 7. If y and we have same directions, the object is speeding up. 8. If y, and we have same directions, the object is slowing down. 9. Acceleration is scalar quantity. 10. If an object is moving with velocity of 10m/s and then stopped after Is, its acceleration is 0 m/s​


1. T

2. not accelerating

3. T

4. less

5. T

6. Meter per second square

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. T

27. C.Write T if the statement is true.If false, change the underlined word to make the statement true.1.Velocity is usually expressed in km/h or m/s.2.An object is decelerating if it is gaining speed.3.When the distance traveled is divided by the time it takes to cover the distance,the resulting measurements is speed.4.A change in an object's position is called force.5.When car speeds up, it answer po ng maayos then sana po may explanation po thank you po ​


Hope it helps

28. C.Write T if the statement is true.If false, change the underlined word to make the statement true.1.Velocity is usually expressed in km/h or m/s.2.An object is decelerating if it is gaining speed.3.When the distance traveled is divided by the time it takes to cover the distance,the resulting measurements is speed.4.A change in an object's position is called force.5.When car speeds up, it answer po ng maayos then sana po may explain po thank you po ​







Step-by-step explanation:






In my own opinion

29. DIRECTION: Modified True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and if it is false change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answer in the space provided. _______________1. Displacementis defined as the change in position over an interval of time. _______________2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating. _______________3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle. _______________4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s). _______________5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.


False 1. Displacement is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

Correct Statement

Velocity is defined as the change in position over an interval of time.

True 2. If an object does not change its position at given time interval, then it is at rest or its speed is zero or not accelerating.

True 3. Speedometer is a device used to measure the instantaneous speed of a vehicle.

True 4. The standard units of speed can be miles per hour (mi/h), kilometers per hour (km/h), or meters per second (m/s).

False 5. Distance is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.

Correct Statement

Displacement is the shortest length between the object’s point of origin and its point of destination.



30. 3. Which of the following situations shows the effect of climate change? A. Birds lay eggs at the right time of the year.B. Hibernation of some animals happen at the usual time C. There will be no changes in the migration patterns of birds.D. Some species of plants bloomed earlier than expected 4.What is being referred to as the change in regular climatic pattern? A.Enhanced greenhouse effectB. Climate change C. global warming D. Carbon footprint 5.What action/s can reduce the effect of climate change?A. Adopt a plant-based dietB. travelling by air plane C. cutting down of trees to be used in furniture-making.D. using defective charger than buying a new one.​​


3.D.Some species of plants bloomed earlier than expected

4.B. Climate change

5.A. Adopt a plant-based diet

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