How Do You Relate Each Of Its Importance

How Do You Relate Each Of Its Importance

how do you relate each of its importance​

Daftar Isi

1. how do you relate each of its importance​


Ambot uy


ayaw nagyud na answere, dili btaw na nimo ika bagsak

2. how do you relate each of its importance?​


say hi to each other


and be friends

3. how do you relate each of its importance

It's also critical to understanding the many nuances. try to physically understand each others' emotions.

4. Directions: Read and understand each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet provided Provided to you. 1. What do you call a change of an object's position as caused by force? 1261 A. Heat B. Motion C. Movement D. Reference point 2. What do you mean a push or pull of an object? A. force B. Heat C. Motion D. Movement 3. How can you tell that an object is in motion? A. If the object stays on its place dowoso B. If the object has its fix position C. If the object has the ability to move nogle D. If the object is moving from one place to vob 4. It is important in understanding motion because it serves as basis for which the movement of an object can be related to. A. Heat B. Motion C. Movement D. Reference point of 5. It refers to a fixed place or an object used to determine the position of an object. 15A A. force B. Heat C. Motion D. References d 6. They are good conductors of heat and electricity. otsing be A. Insulators B. metals C. Nonmetals D. Transformer to 7. What do you call the materials that are nonconductors or those that do not allow heat and electricity to pass through it. A. Insulators B. metals C. Paper clips VO D. Transformer vision A 8. Why do we need to observe precautionary measures in handling conductor materials? A. For us to be safe C. To keep our lives secure and able to do the right thing B. To avoid any untoward incidents D. All of the above ODIEN 9. The following are example of the materials that are good conductors of heat and electricity, except A. Cooking pots B. Copper C. Gold D. Rubber 10. Which of the following material does not belong to the group? A. Aluminum B. Cloth C. leather D. Plastics invie​


1 A. Motion

2 A. Force

3 D. If the object is moving from one place to another

4 B. Motion

5 D. References

6 B. Metals

7 A. Insulators

8 D. All of the above

9 D. Rubber

10 D. Cloth

5. how do you relate each of its importance of cultural relativism


the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when compared to systems of morality, law, politics

6. What is the importance of cultural relativism?How do you relate each of its importance?Why do you think it is important to know cultural relativism?​


What is the importance of cultural relaunders?

Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one's own culture. The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural practices that are not typically part of one's own culture.

Why do you think it is important to know cultural relativism?

relativism reminds us that different societies have different moral beliefs and that our beliefs are deeply influenced by culture. It also encourages us to explore the reasons underlying beliefs that differ from our own, while challenging us to examine our reasons for the beliefs and values we hold.

7. 10Science Quarter 1 - Modulet : Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Mountain Ranges What I know Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate D. Titanic Theory sheet for your answers. A. crust B. inner core C. mantle D. outer core 1. What is the outermost layer of the Earth? A. asthenosphere B. continents C. core D. lithosphere 2. The crust and upper mantle make up Earth's 3. Which statement about the Earth's crusts is CORRECT? B. Continental crust is heavier than oceanic crust. A. Continental and oceanic crusts have the same weight. D. Oceanic crust is thicker than continental crust. C. Continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust. 4. What do we call the continuously moving part of the earth's crust? A fault B. fissure C. fracture D. plate 5. Which theory states that the entire crust is broken and is continuously moving? A. Continental Drift B. Plate Tectonics C. Seafloor Spreading 6. Which of the following is NOT a result of Plate Tectonics? A. earthquake B. fault lines C. landslides D. mountains 7. This earthquake type happens when the shifting of Earth's plates is driven by the sudden release of energy within some limited region of the rocks of Earth. A. aftershock B. foreshock C. tectonic D. volcanic 8. How are tsunamis created? A. A submarine earthquake causes a huge amount of water to be displaced. B. Differences in temperature cause hot seawater to rise. C. The gravitational pull of the moon causes the ocean water to rise. D. Topography underwater causes disturbances in the oceans' current. 9. A landmass that projects well above its surroundings is a mountain. What do you call a chain of mountains? A. mountain area B. mountain chain C. mountain range D. mountainous 10. It is the location on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. A. center B. direct center C. epic center D. epicenter 11. Plates float on the surface of the mantle. Which plate pushes the Philippine Plate toward the Eurasian Plate? A. Cocos Plate B. Indo-Australian Plate C. Nazca Plate D. Pacific Plate 12. If an earthquake begins while you are in a building, the safest thing for you to do is A. call home B. duck near a wall C. get under the strongest table, chair, or other pieces of furniture D. lie flat on the floor and cover your head with your hands 13. Why is it important to be aware of places prone to earthquakes? A. to identify what crop must be stored B. to identify when to evacuate C. to locate where to stay best D. to perform necessary precautions 14. Which statement does best describe the location of the majority of earthquake epicenters relative to the location of volcanoes around the world? A. They are far adjacent. B. They are always 3 kilometers away from each other. C. They are situated at the same location. D. They are not necessarily relevant. 15. How will you relate the distributions of mountain ranges, earthquake epicenters, and volcanoes? A. Mountain ranges are found in places between where volcanoes and earthquake epicenters are also situated. B. Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and/or earthquake epicenters are also situated. C. Mountain ranges are found only in places where earthquake epicenters are situated. D. Mountain ranges are found only in places where volcanoes are situated.​


















1. The sum of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the negation of the coefficient of the second term, divided by the leading coefficient. The product of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the constant term (the third term), divided by the leading coefficient.

Step-by-step explanation:

2. These are called the roots of the quadratic equation. For a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0, the sum of its roots = –b/a and the product of its roots = c/a. A quadratic equation may be expressed as a product of two binomials.

3. When you're dealing with quadratic equations, it can be really helpful to identify a, b, and c. These values are used to find the axis of symmetry, the discriminant, and even the roots using the quadratic formula. It's no question that it's important to know how to identify these values in a quadratic equation.

1. How are the coefficients of a quadratic equation related to its roots?

2. How do you determine the sum and the product of the roots of each quadratic equation?

3. What is the importance of understanding the relations between the roots and the values of a,b and c?

Step-by-step explanation:

1.The sum of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the negation of the coefficient of the second term, divided by the leading coefficient. The product of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the constant term (the third term), divided by the leading coefficient.

2.These are called the roots of the quadratic equation. For a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c = 0, the sum of its roots = –b/a and the product of its roots = c/a. A quadratic equation may be expressed as a product of two binomials.

3.The product of the roots of a quadratic equation is equal to the constant term (the third term), divided by the leading coefficient. You will discover in future courses, that these types of relationships also extend to equations of higher degrees.

9. How do you relate each of itsimportance of cultural society?​


In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities.

10. how do you relate each of its importance in tagalog


good question po,goodluck! pa brainliest!!






11. 2. How do you relate each of itsimportance?​

It's also critical to understanding the many nuances. try to physically understand each others' emotions.

12. how do you relate each of its importance of cultural relativism?​


The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural practices that are not typically part of one's own culture. Using the perspective of cultural relativism leads to the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when compared to systems of morality, law, politics, etc.

13. How do you relate each of its importance


It's also critical to understanding the many nuances. try to physically understand each others' emotions.

14. how do you relate each of its importance of relativism


good question po,goodluck! pa brainliest!!


15. Activity 2 (Performance Task – Interpreting Diagram) No. of Points - 16 Objective: Relate gravity, weight and mass. The diagrams below illustrate several important properties of gravitational force. In each picture, the sizes of tñe arrows are proportional to the size of the forces between the objects. Assume that the larger the size of the object, the larger its mass. Study the diagrams. Then, answer the questions. A. С () B. C. ( ) O LOADS 1. Look at Figures A and B. What is the same in both pictures? 2. How do Figures A and B differ? 3. What important property of gravitational force is illustrated by Figures A and B? 4. Look at Figure C. How are the three pairs of objects different? 5. What property of gravitational force is illustrated by Figure C? 6. How do the two objects in Figure D differ from each other? 7. What does Figure D tell you about gravitational force? 8. Which diagram is most like the situation that exists when an apple falls to the ground? Why?​


tag moko pag meron ng answer

16. Independent Activity 2On this activity, you are given the steps in conducting online survey with itsdescription. Answer the questions ask as you prepare to do an online survey regardingthe market demand of fruits in your locality.Table 1:#Steps in ConductingOnline Survey$A. Communicate theSurvey's PurposeB. Prioritize yourQuestionsC. Analyze and ActUpon the ResultsD. Identify yourTarget AudienceE.Test the surveyF.Define your survey's Objectives#Description of the Steps in Conducting Online Survey#A. Survey questions must be specific and must berelated to your goals and objectives set.B. Who are the participants in your survey?c. Defining what you really want to know andstating the problem/s you need to solve areimportant.d. The use of technology is unpredictable so thinkahead on how to troubleshoot the process.e.Inform your survey participants about its purposeand how these data become useful in improvingthe activities, products or services you have.f.Gather these results and begin analyzing the dataas needed in spreadsheets, presentation programsand statistical software. Implement results.Table 2:Correct Steps inConducting OnlineSurvey1234.56Description of each step in conducting online survey1233456sample activity in doing online survey for market demands of fruits123456​


correct steps in conducting online survey

1. A






description of each step in conducting online survey







17. how vast is the solar system, Can you name its important components? how do these components relate to each other​

The Sun is a yellow dwarf star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar system. Its gravity holds the solar system together, keeping everything – from the biggest planets to the smallest particles of debris – in its orbit Our planetary system is located in an outer spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity — the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, dwarf planets such as Pluto, dozens of moons and millions of asteroids, comets and meteoroids. Beyond our own solar system, we have discovered thousands of planetary systems orbiting other stars in the Milky Way.


Our planetary system is located in an outer spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.


Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity — the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, dwarf planets such as Pluto, dozens of moons and millions of asteroids, comets and meteoroids. Beyond our own solar system, we have discovered thousands of planetary systems orbiting other stars in the Milky Way.

18. Read Vice President Leni Robredo graduation message to Class of 2020 and identify its geographic and linguistic dimension Dearest Class of 2020 Congrats to you and to your proud parents for making this f I know this is not how you imagined your graduation to be-no applause, no IG worthy photos no partes, no big speeches. Many of you must feel robbed as we are al stuck in our homes forced to deal with at that is happening from a distance The pandemic has brought our lives to a halt like nothing else could competing to imagine our world anew. How do we navigate through the uncertainties posed by our time? The simple truth is that there are no ready-made answers for this question. None of us have gone through ma before. No one realy 100-percent ready for what comes next What I can say, however, is that I myself have gone through periods of uncertainty And my experiences have taught me to be at peace with the act of stepping into the unknown by anchoring mysed on two things looking outward and moving forward Look beyond ourselves names of cra, many will feel the urge to think only of ones to founder, and o retreat in cur anal comes of comfort. When the fateful plane crash took the life of my husband. Jesse, it turned my whole world and those of my children upside down But the way the nation grieved with us and the impact of the legacy Jesse left behind plucked me out of the shadows I realized that there are things greater than ourselves and that there are causes that will always be worth fighting for no matter Ilamed that shing back into our bubbles, allowing fear and get to paralyze us only leads in deeper despair. We need to book beyond ourselves and expand our circles of empathy-whom we wil help, whom we will, whom wer will ve for We need to ask the hand, important questions How can I make the world a better place for others? How do I make sure that I will love this world better man when bund it? Where am most needed now? Many of you have big dreams. Some of you want to be doctors and act wyers and accourants, engineers and architects, teachers and joumalas anong many others There a reason so put your rews on hot in fact, you called to pursue these dreams with even deeper sovet dream not only for yourselves and for your families, but for the at the east and the t Move forward Amid difficulty, what keeps me going is seeing that each small task, each affor help someone goes a long way. That every food pack eases a bit of the burden on families who have lost their incomes. That every protective equipment aut makes a medical front-liner foul safer. That every palengke delivery made means that a market vendor and tricycle driver eam enough to put food on the table. This is how we can move forward + Furwant by regaining anchorage on amat, real things with real outcomes, ming one step after another as we strive to reach our goals. Forward knowing that doing aomeng for acmeone else can be a spul save for the cray that we c Forward, knowing that we are caled to do everything we can for the good of others especially those that need hep the most Looking outward and moving forward-this is how we can bravely face the new world. With passion and purpose. With grit and resolve Win compassion and with courage Dear graduates, no matter what the future holds, stay on the side of courage and be nopetal for better days. When the path seems too difficult, remember that you were made for the time-to pave a new way forward for our nation, and for the rest of DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Answer each given question below using about 3 sentences.1. What did you feel after reading this speech? Explain why you think you felt that way. 2. Gave the general setting and situation in our country when Vice Pres. Robredo delvered this speech in July 2020. 3. What is the main idea of the message that she in giving to the graduates of 2020 in this speech?4. Why do you think VP Robredo chose those ideas in her message, and how is it related to the current situation in our country? 5. Notice the language used in this speech and its message. Do you think it fits the audence to whom the speech is addressed? Why? Why not?​


number one, i felt very inspired about what vp leni robredo gave the graduates of 2020 because to me it was inspirable to other students and gave us inspiration and knowledge and she helped us gave strength in our education for better years

19. how do you relate each of its importance?​


it's also critical to understanding the many nuances.try to physically understand each other's emotions

20. 1. What is the importance of each non-state institution to our country? Answer this question by completing the unfinishedstatements below.a. Banks allow us to_____b. Corporations give us the chance to_______c. Trade unions help workers to_______d. Cooperatives can make cheaper goods and services for us to__________e. Development agencies transform our_______f. Civil Organizations can be useful in_______g. Transnational advocacy groups raise awareness about________2. Are these non-state institutions connected to the government? If yes, how? If no,why not?3. What are the functions of the government in relation to its people?4. How do non-state institutions help the government in performing its functions?5. What do you think will happen if we do not have non-state institutions?​



A.Keep money safe for customers.


C.They give advice when their members have problems at work each country change their strategies


G.issue of the society


yan lang po kaya ko

21. how do you relate each of its importance brainly


beautiful moon and wolf danger


beautiful moon and wolf danger answer on the space

beautiful moon and wolf danger

22. Direction: Read and understand each question carefully. Write the letter of the best answer on the blackprovided.a.1. What happen to an object when it is in motion?a. It retains its locationc. An object do not move at allb. There is a change in its positiond. None of the above2. How can we measure the motion of an object?A. By getting its distance and time covered C. By measuring the time takenB. By getting the distance takenD. By knowing the kind of movement done3. Which BEST describes influence motion?A. A force is applied to an object to make an object moveB. An object can moveindependentlyC. A force is not needed to make a direct object in motionD. The object need a long distance to cover4. A car travels 140 km in 2 hours. What is its speed?A. 20 km/hB. 40 km/hC. 70 km/hD. 80 km/h5. What is the fixed place or location of an object that is used to determine its position?A. DistanceB. SpeedC. Reference point D. Pin point6. The following are appropriate tools for measuring distance or length EXCEPT ONE.A. StopwatchB. Measure wheelC. Tape measure D. Meter stick7. What is the world standard for measurement?A. English systemB. Metric system C. British system D. Both A and B8. Which of the following are examples of unit of metric system?A. Yard, miles, and kilometerB. Decimeter, hectometer, and monthsC. Kilometer, millimeter, and centimeterD. Inch, foot, and yard9. How many kilometers are there in 3,500,000 millimeters?A. 35 kmB. 350 kmC. 3.5 kmD. 0.35 km10. Which measurement shows a greater distance an object may cover?A. 65 kilometersB. 500 centimetersC. 5,000 millimeters D. 15 meters11. Which best describes about metric system?A. It is the only system used in measurementB. Americans and Filipino are the only users of metric systemC. It is used just only by estimating measurementsD. Metric system12. Is distance covered by a moving object affected by its speed? Why?A. Yes, because the slower the speed the greater the distance it coveredB. Yes, because the faster the object the greater the distance it could travelC. No, because distance is not affected by the object's speedD. No, because speed and distance are not related to each other13. Which of the following object has the longest time taken? A truck travelled in 13 hoursB. A dog walked for 120 secondsC. A man ran in a track and field oval in 24 minutesD. An eagle flew for 2 days14. Why is it important to have the standard unit of measurement?A. To amaze everyone that you are familiar with different unitsB. To get the accurate measurement or lengthC.To avoid confusion with the use of different unitsD.Both B and care correct15. How can we calculate speed?A. By multiplying the distance with timeB. By multiplying reference point to timeC. By dividing time taken by distance coveredD. By dividing distance by time spent by an object in motionPa help I heart ko at I rate ng 5 star 43 points please ​














23. 14. What is the choice that you make or act upon?A decisionC. explanationB. evaluationD. remarks15. What is the 2-step good decision making?A. identify the decisionC. gather relevant informationB. weigh the evidenceD. review your decision & its consequences16. Which is NOT true about decision-making?A. Decision-making skills will help you make decisions based on your need anddesires.B. A good decision is a decision in which you have carefully considered theoutcome of each choiceC. Your decisions related to your sexual behaviors affect yourself and othersnow or later in your life.D. None of the above.17. What do call the final step of decision-making?A identify the decisionC. gather relevant informationB. weigh the evidenceD. review your decision & its consequences18. How many steps do we have in the decision making?A. 6C. 10D. 1519. Why is good decision-making important?A. It helps you select the best alternative.B. It helps you in resolving issues and concems about sexuality.C. It helps you make decisions based on your need and desires.D. All of the above.20. Which step in decision making where in you have weighed all the evidences andselected the alternative that seemed to be the best one for you?A take actionB. identify the decisionC. gather relevant informationD. choose among the alternatives​










Sana Makatulong


24. 11. It includes firsthand accounts, raw data and other original materials on which other researches are based * 1 point a. Primary b. tertiary c. secondary d.elementary 12. Which are examples of secondary sources * 1 point a. textbooks b. book reviews c. magazine articles d.all of the above 13. The following are examples of Tertiary Sources EXCEPT * 1 point a. interviews b. abstracts c.indexes d. bibliographies 14. It is defined as brief statement that presents the most important points of an original material. * 1 point a. Paraphrase b. main idea c. summary d. supporting details 15. It refers to restating someone else’s work or idea in your own words at roughly the same level of details. * 1 point a. summarizing b. paraphrasing c.researching d. reporting 16. It refers to the central point that the author is trying to communicate in his/her work. * 1 point a. summary b. main idea c. paraphrase d. key information 17. It refers to important pieces of evidence, reasons, examples and explanations that support the main idea. * 1 point a. summary b. main idea c. paraphrase d. key information Complete the meaning of each paragraph by filling in the blanks with the missing words or terms. 18. Summary is a ________ version of an original material. * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 19. While summary is closely related to _________, * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 20. They are different techniques usually employed when writing using other author’s _______________. * 1 point a. paraphrasing b. shortened c. nutshell d.ideas 21.When writing a summary, you should be able to identify the ______________that make up the original materials. * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 22. The summary should only contain these ideas retold in your own _________________. * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 23. A given text can have one or more central ideas usually found at the_______________ * 1 point a. beginning b. words c. main/central ideas d. paraphrasing 24.One important tip when writing a summary is to always remain ___________. * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 25. This means that you should not include personal ________ in what you are writing. * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 26. In terms of length, summary is shorter than the original material. It presents all the important ideas of the original text in a ____________ * 1 point a. objective b.opinions c.ideas d. nutshell 27. It is a literary technique that involves comparison of how two things are alike. * 1 point a. metaphor b. comparison c. simile d. analogy Classify each sentence below as to SIMILE, METAPHOR, ANALOGY or PERSONIFICATION 28. He is as thin as a stick * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 29. Life is a wonderful journey * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 30. “Life is like a bag of candies-you never know what you’re going to get.” * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 31. Life is like a tree. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 32. “What soldiers do for the country, white blood cells do inside the body.” * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 33. English : Language :: Mathematics : Arithmetic * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 34. Life is like a tree---it starts from a seedling that grows into full-grown tree that has trunk and branches that make itself strong, and bears wonderful fruits. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 35. Her smile beams like the sun. * 1 point a. analogy b. metaphor c. simile d. personification 36. It refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to end in order to make sense of its content. * 1 point a. linear b. non-linear c.reading path d.scanning 37. A text which is non-sequential, meaning, the readers, not the author, decide how the text is to be read without necessarily following a prescribed pattern. * 1 point a. linear b. non-linear c.reading path d. line graph 38. Which of the following is an example of LINEAR text * 1 point a. Line Graph b. Pie Graph c.story d. Venn diagram 39. Which of the following is an example of NON-LINEAR text * 1 point a. Story b. Speech c.Report d.Venn Diagram 40. It is a circular statistical tool. It uses portions or slices to represent numerical proportions or percentages of a given whole. * 1 point a. Venn diagram b. Bar graph c. pie chart d. Line Graph








sorry yan lang alam ko

25. how do you relate each of its importance of cultural


Importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding

Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one's own culture. The goal of this is promote understanding of cultural practices that are not typically part of one's own culture.


pa brainlest hope its help.

26. how do you relate each of its importance *


hi your question is incomplete! pls restate yourquestion again :)

27. 1. What is the importance of Human Biocultural and Social Evolution? 2. How do you relate each of its importance? 3. Why do you think it is important to know the biological and cultural evolution from Homo habilis to Homo sapiens sapiens, & cultural and sociopolitical evolution from hunting and gathering to the agricultural, industrial, and post- industrial revolutions?


1. Cultural Evolution It refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form of human culture.

Sociocultural evolution happens as a result of human adaptation to the different factors like changes in climates or in their environment and population increase.

2. The importance of Cultural and Sociocultural, is to know the simple form to a more complex form of human culture, and the environment and population in human adaptation.

3. Biological evolution is a population-level process guided by selection, and it leads to an increase of the adaptation of the population for the environmental circumstances in which the population lives. Culture can be defined as the wholeness of the mental and material achievements of a society or mankind as a whole.

28. how do you relate each of its importance of cultural relativism?​




Using the perspective of cultural relativism leads to the view that no one culture is superior than another culture when compared to systems of morality, law, politics, etc. It is a concept that cultural norms and values derive their meaning within a specific social context.

29. 2. How do you relate each of its importance?​


It's also critical to understanding the many nuances. try to physically understand each others' emotions.

30. Directions: Before the chapter study. Read each statement carefully. Place a check mark (() if you agree with the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree. Answer directly in your notebook. Vorx a Statements 1. Social science is defined as a branch of science which deals with the study of society and the relationship of individuals to their environment. 2. Applied social sciences applies social scientific theories and knowledge from social sciences to the physical environment or society. 3. Anthropology refers to the study of humans. 4. History is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans. 5. Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure. 6. Counselling is a process which helps the client (counselee) clarify and address problems. 7. Individual and Family Counseling are considered as the of counseling 8. Facilitate change of behavior to the client is is one of the of the scopes of counseling 9. Listening skills is the number one skill that a counselor should always consider in a counseling process. 10. It is important to know counseling because it helps people navigate difficult life situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural disasters, school stress and the loss of a job. goals 2NEED ASAP NONSENSE------->REPORT​


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