Descent Meaning In Tagalog

Descent Meaning In Tagalog

What is Tagalog/Filipino of "Descent"?English: DescentTagalog: ?​

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1. What is Tagalog/Filipino of "Descent"?English: DescentTagalog: ?​




I think❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2. an ascent of -20m means a descent of _ m​



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3. Steep descent sign meaning _________________________ Steep ascent sign meaning __________________________


Steep Descent

This road sign indicates that there is steep ascent ahead and driver should get ready to climb and put the vehicle in relevant gear.

Steep ascent

Most of the times, these signs are found on hilly road where steep ascent and descent are normal part of travel.

4. what is descent of man? ​


I think this was all about book


The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex is a book by English naturalist Charles Darwin, first published in 1871, which applies evolutionary theory to human evolution, and details his theory of sexual selection, a form of biological adaptation distinct from, yet interconnected with, natural selection.

5. How different is patrilineal descent from matrilineal descent?​

Patrilineal or agnatic, relatives are identified by tracing descent exclusively through males from a founding male ancestor, while Matrilineal or uterine, relatives are identified by tracing descent exclusively through females from a founding female ancestor.

6. Descent that is based on the male line.

the answer is patrilineal or patrilineality

7. essay about descent with modification​


Descent with modification is simply passing traits from parent to offspring, and this concept is one of the fundamental ideas behind Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. ... You pass traits on to your children in a process known as heredity. The unit of heredity is the gene.

8. what does descent with modification from common ancestor means? ​


descent with modification from a common ancestor' mean species living at any given time- such as the present– are derived from a common ancestor, and their traits reflect that ancestry as well as changes over time.

9. what is the difference betwee patrilineal descent and matrilineal descent

In Patrilineal Descent, authority/leadership is passed from male to male while in Matrilineal Descent it is passed from female to female.

10. the o2 with descent​


Up at The O2 is 52m high and involves an ascent and descent of up to 30 degrees. Once you've started the climb, you have to complete it.

11. What is descent system?

family lineage in which the relatives on mother's side or father's side

12. what is matrilineal descent​


Matrilineality is the tracing of kinship through the female line. It may also correlate with a social system in which each person is identified with their matriline – their mother's lineage – and which can involve the inheritance of property and/or titles. 


Matrilineality is the tracing of kinship through the female line. It may also correlate with a social system in which each person is identified with their matriline – their mother's lineage – and which can involve the inheritance of property and/or titles. A matriline is a line of descent from a female ancestor to a descendant (of either sex) in which the individuals in all intervening generations are mothers – in other words, a "mother line". In a matrilineal descent system, an individual is considered to belong to the same descent group as their mother. This ancient matrilineal descent pattern is in contrast to the currently more popular pattern of patrilineal descent from which a family name is usually derived. The matriline of historical nobility was also called their enatic or uterine ancestry, corresponding to the patrilineal or "agnatic" ancestry.


brainlist i spend to much time for

13. Descent that is based on the male line

Patrilineal Descent System

A kinship or family system where the descent is traced into one gender is called unilineal descent, where "uni" means one. However, patrilineal descent means that the system of descent where an individual's kin group or clan membership is traced through men. Whereas matrilineal descent follows the mother side only.

Patrilineality or patrilineal descent involves the inheritance of property, rights or titles by the individuals related through male kin.

To know the difference of patrilineal from matrilineal descent, click the link below:

To know more about unilineal descent system, check it down here:

To know what is descent system, refer to this link:

14. an ascent of -11cm means a descent of ______ cm. pls answer



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hope it helps sorry i have no solution but pls do not report me T - T

15. An ascent of -20 m means a descent of ____ m




Maybe Form

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Ayaw kona ayaw konang Mawala Ka

16. Unilineal descent term ​


sana makatulong not mine


pa heart and vote nlng po thanks

17. evidences for common descent​


Evidence for common descent comes from the existence of vestigial structures. These rudimentary structures are often homologous to structures that correspond in related or ancestral species. ... The existence of vestigial organs can be explained in terms of changes in the environment or modes of life of the species.

18. What is the rule of descent?

Cultural recognition of children as kin of one or both parents is basis for the descent concept. Some societies trace through both parents (e.g., Canada and the United States). Other societies trace descent through only one of the parent's family line.

19. what is descent with modification ?​


Darwin defined evolution as "descent with modification," the idea that species change over time, give rise to new species, and share a common ancestor. The mechanism that Darwin proposed for evolution is natural selection.


pa follow nalang po(≧▽≦)

20. 1.what is the meaning of demolished 2.what is the meaning of curt 3.what is the meaning of groggy 4.what is the meaning of complex 5.what is the meaning of conceal 6.what is the meaning of descent 7.what is the meaning of flawed 8,what is the meaning of falsehood and what are there signal word


1. demolished- means to destroy something like buildings, houses, street vendors stores, and many more. Especially for the purpose of repurposing the land.

2. curt- means it is rude if someone's demeanor or speech is abrupt as a result of being rushed.

3. groggy- means sluggish and unable to think clearly or walk properly. Usually due to exhaustion or illness

4. complex- means it's hard to understand or find the solution because Because there are so many parts

5. conceal- to keep something hidden from view or knowledge

6. Descent- Being related to a specific person or group of people who lived in the past is the state or fact of being related to them.

7. flawed- not perfect, or containing mistakes

8. falsehood- something which is not correct or a lie


21. unilineal descent example


Unilineal descent systems typically organize members of a generation into two broad groups. Parallel cousins, the children of one's mother's sister (in a matrilineal system) or father's brother (in a patrilineal system), are members of one's own lineage and are often treated similarly to one's…


correct me if i wrong

22. what the three types of descent​

patrilineal, matrilineal, ambilineal


patrilineal, matrilineal, ambilineal

23. What is descent rule?


Cultural recognition of children as kin of one or both parents is basis for the descent concept.

24. descent modification of dog​


The dog, Canis familiaris, is a direct descendent of the gray wolf, Canis lupus: In other words, dogs as we know them are domesticated wolves. Not only their behavior changed; domestic dogs are different in form from wolves, mainly smaller and with shorter muzzles and smaller teeth. Darwin was wrong about dogs.


carry on learning

25. what does the descent from the mountain by jesus and his disciples men can the act of descent be symbolic of something broader​


In Christian teachings, the Transfiguration is a pivotal moment, and the setting on the mountain is presented as the point where human nature meets God: the meeting place for the temporal and the eternal, with Jesus himself as the connecting point, acting as the bridge between heaven and earth.

26. STEEP DESCENT SIGN AND STEEP ASCENT SIGN MEANING _____________________________________


Steep Descent

This road sign indicates that there is steep ascent ahead and driver should get ready to climb and put the vehicle in relevant gear. Most of the times, these signs are found on hilly road where steep ascent and descent are normal part of travel.


Tama po Yan

27. What is a descent system?


Descent, the system of acknowledged social parentage, which varies from society to society, whereby a person may claim kinship ties with another.


28. explain the matrilineal form of descent​


Matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny).


29. what is the difference between patrilineal descent and matrilineal descent

Examples of groups that have matrilineal societies include many Jewish communities, as well as the Cherokee and Navajo Indians. It is important to note that there is a difference between matrilineal and matriarchal. It is entirely possible for a society to have a female line of inheritance of title and property, but still be a society that is controlled primarily by men.

The Jewish culture is an example of one that has matrilineal descent. For example, in many communities, if a person’s mother is Jewish and father is not, the child still counts as Jewish since the line traces through the mother. In some matrilineal societies, matrilineal surnames are passed down from mother to daughter instead of the more traditional patrilineal surnames that go from father to son.

Most cultures in Europe were patrilineal, such as the one in England. Even when a woman inherited power, such as with Elizabeth I, it happened only because there were no other men who qualified in the line. Elizabeth still inherited the title from her father, Henry VIII.

30. descent that is based on the female line.




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