Which Written Text Involves Sensory Images To Figure Out Something

Which Written Text Involves Sensory Images To Figure Out Something

written text involves sensory images to figure out something​

Daftar Isi

1. written text involves sensory images to figure out something​

description written representation to figure something

2. What do you think are the uses of sensory images, figurative language, and diction in writing a creative text?​


it makes the reader visualize more about what was being said in the context. the choice of words are basically for readers to digest the theme.

3. 2. What sensory images did you find in the text? Point it out the eic of gilgamesh


Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader’s mind on multiple levels. Sensory imagery explores the five human senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

4. Pick out at least ten sentences from the myth “The Gorgon’s Head” that shows sensory images. Identify the senses to which these statements appeal.

The following are sentences that show sensory images.

The wind blew freshly - sense of touch
To catch a glimpse of their glittering brightness - sense of sight
Having their heads bitten off by their ugly tusks - sense of touch
Slay the golden-winged, iron-scaled, long-tusked, brazen-clawed, snaky-haired monster - sense of sight
He heard a voice close beside him - sense of hearing
The reflection of his face - sense of sight
Shone like the moon at harvest-time - sense of sight
In the hope of brightening his own wits by what he heard - sense of hearing
A very wild and desert place, overgrown with shaggy bushes - sense of sight
Enjoyed a peep at the visible world - sense of sight

5. to identify sensory images being use in the text


When a writer attempts to describe something so that it appeals to our sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, or hearing; he/she has used imagery.



6. pick out at least 10 sentences from the myth " The Gorgons Head" that shows sensory images. Identify the senses to which these statements appeal

The following are sentences that show sensory images.

The wind blew freshly - sense of touch
A glimpse of their glittering brightness - sense of sight
Heads bitten off by their ugly tusks - sense of touch
The golden-winged, iron-scaled, long-tusked, brazen-clawed, snaky-haired monster - sense of sight
A voice close beside him - sense of hearing
The reflection of his face - sense of sight
Shone like the moon at harvest-time - sense of sight
Hope of brightening his own wits by what he heard - sense of hearing
A very wild and desert place, overgrown with shaggy bushes - sense of sight
Enjoyed a peep at the visible world - sense of sight

7. If the sensory images help readers understand literary texts such as poems and short stories, then which type of texts do textual aids help readers understand?


scientific texts and fictional texts


cause in the question, it is mentioned that the readers likes literary texts such as poems and short stories

8. Pick out examples of sensory images from the story "The Lottery"

I think this could help you :)

9. to strengthen your understanding pick out the lines with sensory image on the saamstress​



10. Task 7Answer the following question1. What is a sensory images?2. How does imagery help us understand the text?3. Is sensory image useful?4. Why does author uses sensory language?5. Can we understand it easily?​


1. sensory image is a strategy readers use to think more deeply about a text. It is when a reader combines their schema and the information in the text to create an image in their mind. This image can represent all of the five senses (visual, smell, taste, sound, touch, or feeling).

2. Imagery can make something abstract, like an emotion or theory, seem more concrete and tangible to the reader. By using imagery, writers can evoke the feeling they want to talk about in their readers...and by making their readers feel, writers can also help readers connect to the messages in their work.

3. sensory images also help a reader draw on specific details in the text (e.g. a character's thoughts, words, or actions; elements of tone, meaning, or beauty of a text), creating an interaction between the reader and the text.

4. Sensory language enhances your writing and immerses your reader in the scene. It helps the reader to visualize, hear, and imagine the scenario, so they can experience it rather than just digest the information you're trying to convey.

5. Language that connects with tangible and sensory (taste, smell, touch, sight, and sound) is easier for readers to understand and relate to.


Hope it helps:)

11. what is the importance of sensory images in writing a literary text such as peom essay or song?​


12. It is the combination of various digital media types such astext, images, sound and video, into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application orpresentation to convey a message or information to an audience.out thot rotelle neconvents in the order​




Combination of various media types

13. what is imagery or sensory images And give it's five figures​


Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader's mind on multiple levels. Sensory imagery explores the five human senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell

There are five main types of imagery, each related to one of the human senses:•Visual imagery (sight)•Auditory imagery (hearing)•Olfactory imagery (smell)•Gustatory imagery (taste)•Tactile imagery (touch)


Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader's mind on multiple levels.

Visual imagery (sight)

Auditory imagery (hearing)

Olfactory imagery (smell)

Gustatory imagery (taste)

Tactile imagery (touch)

14. Short Essay. Discuss the importance of sensory images and figurative languages in creative writing​




English Subject in the book


Describing how something tastes, smells, sounds, or feels—not just how it looks—makes a passage or scene come alive. Using a combination of imagery and sensory imagery arms the reader with as much information as possible and helps them create a more vivid mental picture of what is happening.

15. what is the type of sensory images,pictures that accompony a text really have a clearer idea on what the text is about.


1. Visual imagery engages the sense of sight. This is what you can see, and includes visual descriptions. Physical attributes including color, size, shape, lightness and darkness, shadows, and shade are all part of visual imagery.

2. Gustatory imagery engages the sense of taste. This is what you can taste, and includes flavors. This can include the five basic tastes—sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami—as well as the textures and sensations tied to the act of eating.

3. Tactile imagery engages the sense of touch. This is what you can feel, and includes textures and the many sensations a human being experiences when touching something. Differences in temperature is also a part of tactile imagery.

4. Auditory imagery engages the sense of hearing. This is the way things sound. Literary devices such as onomatopoeia and alliteration can help create sounds in writing.

5. Olfactory imagery engages the sense of smell. Scent is one of the most direct triggers of memory and emotion, but can be difficult to write about. Since taste and smell are so closely linked, you’ll sometimes find the same words (such as “sweet”) used to describe both. Simile is common in olfactory imagery, because it allows writers to compare a particular scent to common smells like dirt, grass, manure, or roses.

6. Kinesthetic imagery (a.k.a kinesthesia) engages the feeling of movement. This can be similar to tactile imagery but deals more with full-body sensations, such as those experienced during exercise. Rushing water, flapping wings, and pounding hearts are all examples of kinesthetic imagery.

16. What are the sensory images and figures of speech used this selection?


What selection? i cannot answer cuz i cant see picture

17. what is the purpose of using figures of speech and sensory image in writing stories and poems?


Writers usually use imagery in the literature to create a graphic as well as a clear presentation of each event or idea. Through the use of imagery, the writers try to reach to the readers and give a memorable impact on their mind. It holds the readers' senses of sight, taste, sound, touch, and smell.


dats it

18. it is the use of visually descriptive or figurative language and sensory images in writing. ​




is a literary device that refers to the use of figurative language to evoke a sensory experience or create a picture with words for a reader.

19. if the sensory images help readers understand it larry takes as such as a poems and short stories then which type of text to text well age help readers understandc​


journalist text


I Can Study

20. what are the sensory images in figures of speech of alice in wonderland​






21. multiple levels2 How does imagery help us understand the text? Is sensory image useful?​

How does images help us understand the text?

Using imagery in a text helps the reader visualize the events, characters, or culture of that text which engages the reader and makes it more interesting. The language pattern of a text gives that text its distinct organization, which reinforces the meaning behind that text.

Is sensory image useful?

Creating sensory images is a strategy readers use to think more deeply about a text. Creating sensory images also helps a reader draw on specific details in the text (e.g. a character's thoughts, words or actions; elements of tone, meaning or beauty of a text), creating an interaction between the reader and the text.

Hope it's help!

22. If sensory images help readers understand literary text such as poems and short stories, then which type of texts do textual aids help readers understand?A. Journalistic TextsB. Non-fiction TextsC. Scientific TestsD. Foreign Texts​


my answer is A, Journalistic texts.

23. give out at least 10 sentences from the myth " The Gorgons Head" that shows sensory images.

The following are sentences that show sensory images with the corresponding senses.

The wind blew freshly - sense of touch
A glimpse of their glittering brightness - sense of sight
Heads bitten off by their ugly tusks - sense of touch
The golden-winged, iron-scaled, long-tusked, brazen-clawed, snaky-haired monster - sense of sight
A voice close beside him - sense of hearing
The reflection of his face - sense of sight
Shone like the moon at harvest-time - sense of sight
Hope of brightening his own wits by what he heard - sense of hearing
A very wild and desert place, overgrown with shaggy bushes - sense of sight
Enjoyed a peep at the visible world - sense of sight

24. what can you imagine? How dothese sensory images help you understand the text better?​


what can you imagine?

I imagine my sins or the times I made mistakes and was embarrassed I thought I should have chosen the right first before I did something and because of that I learned to use my ability correctly.

How do these sensory images help you understand the text better?

I use literal imagery to describe the setting, characters, and situation for a reader. Literal imagery helps me where characters are, understand what characters are doing, and even foreshadow what might happen next.


Creating sensory images is a strategy readers use to think more deeply about a text. It is when a reader combines their schema and the information in text to create an image in their mind. This image can represent the five senses. ... When readers make sensory images it helps them understand and enjoy the story more.


I hope it helps you

25. how do these sensory images help you understand the text better​


sensory images describes the text making the statements livelier


sensory imagery can develop a vague world understandable through describing using sensory imagery, just like idiomatic expressions.

26. in the Alice in wonderland, what are the sensory image and figure of speech used this selection?​


it is imagination in the Alice wonderland

27. What is the purpose of using figures of speech and sensory images in writing a poem?​


To give readers the opportunity to visualize and feel the emotions of your poem, conveying the message of the poem as it will be exciting for the readers to use their imaginations as they read the poem. These two are the foundation to create the most creative and unique poem there is.

28. what is the importance of sensory images in writing a literary text such as poem essay or song?​


For people to imagune properly what the message of the peom, essay, or song

29. Pick out at least ten sentences from the myth “The Gorgon’s Head” that shows sensory images. Identify the senses to which these statements appeal.

The Gorgon's Head

Sensory images has the quality to give the senses through seeing, hearing, taste and touch. Those words can enlighten the reader for the real scenes. It has to be real although the story may be an:


The story about The Gorgon's Head has the following sentences that show sensory images:

The wind blew freshly - this is a sense of touchA glimpse of their glittering brightness - this is a sense of sightHeads bitten off by their ugly tusks - this is a sense of touchThe golden-winged, iron-scaled, long-tusked, brazen-clawed, snaky-haired monster - this is a sense of sightA voice close beside him - this is a sense of hearingThe reflection of his face - this is a sense of sightShone like the moon at harvest-time - this is a sense of sightHope of brightening his own wits by what he heard - this is a sense of hearingA very wild and desert place, overgrown with shaggy bushes - this is a sense of sightEnjoyed a peep at the visible world - this is a sense of sight

You may read other sensory images here: https://brainly.ph/question/173415.

The summary of The Gorgon's Head can be read on https://brainly.ph/question/630969.

Read the characters of The Gorgon's Head on https://brainly.ph/question/205115.

30. What are the sensory images and figures of speech used in Alice in Wonderland story?​




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