It Is An Important Part Of One s Personality

It Is An Important Part Of One s Personality

it is an important part of one`s personality

Daftar Isi

1. it is an important part of one`s personality


give some point

2. It is an important part of one s personality


privacy,sexuality and ignorance

3. it is an important part of one s personality​




4. 1. A selection about the process of photosynthesis. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade2. A tv commercial about investing money in life and medical insurance especially in times of pandemic. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade3. An author wrote a story about an orphan who struggled many times and at last found foster parents who gave her proper education and became popular. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade4. Jocelyn sent a personal message to her parents about the benefits of living in the province and to allow her to work in the province. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade5. A book that lists words in alphabetical order. It gives the definition(s), pronunciation, and a sample sentence for each word. (dictionary). a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade6. A poster on the wall that names and defines the parts of speech.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade7. An article detailing the many uses of a new multi-purpose tool. It explains how the tool can perform the tasks of a hammer, screwdriver, wrench, and knife. It is four tools in one, so you will always have the tool you need when you have one of these.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade8. A chapter in a math book that explains and provides examples of fractions.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade9. Amado Nervo wrote the poem, “I was Born Today”.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade10. A unit in science book that tells about the importance of the forests.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade11. Water from this river will overflow if there are no trees to stop it. And if this will happen. Our plants and animals will die, and people will be very much affected. Let us do true-planting activities. Let us all unite our efforts so that we will all survive in this world.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade12. Jose Rizal wrote Noli Me Tanghire and El Filibusterismo. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade13. How to make pork curry: heat oil and sauté pork with garlic, onion, pork broth cube and curry. Add eggplant and red pepper. Pour evaporated milk and season chili sauce.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade14. Unfortunately, many species of bats are endangered or already extinct. It is vital that we join forces to protect the bats that remain. Bats feed on harmful insect pests. They are also responsible for up to 95% of the residing of the tropical rain forests. Without those forests our delicate balance of oxygen and moisture could be destroyed. a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade15. Our day a hungry fox runt searching for food. Soon he saw some ripe grape at the top of a vine that grew up along a high wall.a) To entertainb) To informc) To persuade​


1. A selection about the process of photosynthesis.

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

2. A tv commercial about investing money in life and medical insurance especially in times of pandemic.

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

3. An author wrote a story about an orphan who struggled many times and at last found foster parents who gave her proper education and became popular.

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

4. Jocelyn sent a personal message to her parents about the benefits of living in the province and to allow her to work in the province.

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

5. A book that lists words in alphabetical order. It gives the definition(s), pronunciation, and a sample sentence for each word. (dictionary).

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade

6. A poster on the wall that names and defines the parts of speech.

a) To entertain

b) To inform

c) To persuade


yung may

5. I. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. if it is FALSE, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.1. Adolescent can achieve their energy and nutrient requirements by eating a variety of foods daily.2. Eating regular meals will keep the body fueled by energy needed for the day.3. Too much sweets and dessert can aggravate sken problems like pimples.4. The Food Pyramid will guide you on how many servings from each food group is recommended daily.5. There are eight food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid.6. The serving requirements of each individual depend on age, sex, size, and activity level.7. The growth during adolescence creates decreased demand for energy and nutrients.8. Due to your rapid growth and development at this stage, you have a lesser need for certain nutrients, such as calcium, iron, protein, and energy foods.9. Adolescence is one of the fastest growth periods in a person's life.10. Good dietary guidance has three important elements: pyramid, plates and real food. Malnutrition must be treated immediately to avoid unhealthy conditions.11. Family planning and spacing of births are ways of preventing malnutrition in the family.12. Malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency are preventable and normal part of growing which you should not worry about.14. Over nutrient is not a serious health problem.15. Food fortification is adding more food in your plate during meals.​

















6. Direction: Read each statement and determine the author’s purpose: to entertain, to persuade, or to inform. Circle your choice. 1. Jocelyn sent a personal message to her parents about the benefits of living in the province and to allow her to work in the province. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 2. A poster on the wall that names and defines the parts of speech. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 3. A book that lists words in alphabetical order. It gives the definition(s), pronunciation, and a sample sentence for each word. (dictionary) a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 4. An article detailing the many uses of a new multi-purpose tool. It explains how the tool can perform the tasks of a hammer, screwdriver, wrench, and knife. It is four tools in one, so you will always have the tool you need when you have one of these. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 5. Amado Nervo wrote the poem, “I was Born Today”. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 6. A chapter in a math book that explains and provides examples of fractions. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 7. A unit in science book that tells about the importance of the forests. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 8. A tv commercial about investing money in life and medical insurance especially in times of pandemic. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 9. An author wrote a story about an orphan who struggled many times and at last found foster parents who gave her proper education and became popular. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade 10. A selection about the process of photosynthesis. a. To entertain b. To inform c. To persuade


1. b.

2. b.

3. b.

4. b.

5. c.

6. c.

7. a.

8. a.

9. c.

10. c.


7. a1. The same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importanceе е2. A formal talk given usually to a large number of people on a special occasion3. Teс3. Any opinion that influences a person's thoughts, feelings, or actions.Сe4. A preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experiencente5. Meaning is not part of the official dictionary definition, the emotions and associations connected to a word.mS6. A local official who has judicial functions7. Any collection of written work that is valued as work of art especially novels, plays and poems8n8. Artists who work to entertain others such as the yangbans and kingsrao9. Iu refers to the handing down of knowledge, information and history from one generation to anotherusually circulated by word of mouthTo910. It is a logical way in organizing details commonly used in short stories in which eventsare arranged according to what happened first following one event after another until the last part.​


1. Parallel structure


3. Bias

4. Prejudice

5. Connotation

6. Judicial Branch

7. Literature

8. Kisaeng

9. Oral Tradition




8. A. TRUE OR FALSE: Write "O" if the Statement is correct and “X” if not, 1.1" represents the behavior and attitude that you have gained with soci- expects from you. 2. "Me" represents your identity based on your response to your I. 3. "Moi" is a person's basic identity. 4. "Personne" how one behaves in a certain situation. 5. A child enters a system of relationships- most important of which is Family. _6. The Self allow the internal influences to take part in its shaping. _7.The self can only be achieved through the process of communicating. 8. Separate means that the self is distinct from other selves. The self is s unique and has its own identity. 9. For mead and vygotsky , the way that human persons develop is the use of language acquisition and interaction with others. 10. sex has to be personally discovered and asserted and not dictated by culture and the society.​











10. it's depends.. I guess so.

9. Why Houseplants are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift The Beatles sang “money can’t buy me love” but do you think they’d say the same thing about houseplants and love? If your partner or crush is a lover of all things green and leafy, then we bet they’d be thrilled with getting a houseplant for Valentine’s Day. And even if they’re not a convert yet, now is a good time to get them hooked to the plant gene. It’s early spring for most of us, and this is the perfect time to bring a new houseplant home. Sure, you can always default to red roses for a grand Valentine’s Day gesture, but let us try to change your mind. Here's why houseplants make for much better gifts than cut flowers, plus a few ideas of low-maintenance and romantic houseplants to get you started! 1.Houseplants last longer Ok, this is obvious. But we’re trying to slowly ease into advocating for houseplants. The average life of a bouquet of cut flowers is about a week. Some bouquets come with plant feed that might stretch that to ten days. After that, it’s bye-bye flowers! Houseplants last much longer. Even the blackest of thumbs can’t manage to kill a plant in a week (don’t take that as a challenge though!). Houseplants may last for years as a good reminder for a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift. 2. Houseplants are often cheaper We bet this one is not so obvious, right? You may think of houseplants as an investment. And some of them are (especially rare specimens). But you can easily find houseplants that cost 10 dollars, and we’re not talking about runts. Prices are going down as the popularity of houseplants is going up, so even a trip to your local plant nursery won’t break the bank. 3. Houseplants are more environmentally friendly Most people don’t realize the environmental footprint of the fresh flower industry. That’s because we tend to associate flowers with nature, and nature can do no wrong, right? What I Can Do 21 Well, not until it’s exploited for profit at a massive scale. Most cut flowers are grown year-round in greenhouses and fields heavily laden with pesticides. In the United States, most fresh flowersare imported. And because the flowers are already cut (so pretty much dead), they are shipped long distances in refrigerated containers that take a lot of energy to stay cool. There is also a lot of waste in the flower industry because we all want perfect-looking flowers with zero blemishes. And not to mention the waste caused by the flowers being thrown away en-masse if the supermarket can’t sell them within the short window when they look nice and perky. We’re not saying that houseplants have a zero-carbon footprint. But they are definitely the more responsible choice for eco-conscious Valentines. 4. Houseplants send a message Now that we got the practical reasons out of the way, let’s talk a bit about the sentimental symbolism. When you give someone a houseplant, the underlying message is this: I think you’re a responsible person. I think you can nurture and take care of something. And you can count on me because I’ll be around to help. Maybe in not so many words. But the sentiment is there! If your partner is already someone who loves houseplants, then offering them another plant for their collection shows that you care about their interests and hobbies. And you get extra bonus points for being a good listener if they’ve already hinted that they wouldn’t mind another green friend, and you deliver. Source: 1. Is there someone in your family who loves planting? What do you think does he/she feels after reading this blog? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Pick out lines that reveal the purpose of the author in writing the blog. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the author make use of literary devices? Mention some. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree/ disagree with the ideas of giving plants as a gift on Valentine’s Day? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Which part of the blog catches your interest and convinces you the most of the blogger’s reflections or ideas? __________________________________________


1.yes, he is happy and amazed amd because he loves to plant he appreciates the plants that are given to him even more.


yan lang po sagot ko eh

10. Task 4: Testing the Waters Read the description in the box and identify the text type by coloring the puzzle pieces found on your answer sheet. Refer to the color guide found on the answer sheet. Text Types It tells what happened by retelling an event or experience. It investigates an idea to analyze and evaluate information. It provides an opportunity for the readers to change their opinions on a certain viewpoint. It expresses stories using plot and other literary elements. It lays down facts or processes to inform the readers. Task 5: Passing the Threshold Now that you already know the text types, you will practice recognizing them in this activity. First, write the text type of the selection. Then, write a one to two-sentence explanation of your answer. Write your responses on your answer sheet. 1. Yesterday, unlike my typical quarantine routine, I woke up early. The moment my alarm went off at 8:00am, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to shower. Fifteen minutes was all it took for me to bath and dress. I was ready to go. My heart couldn't keep the excitement and joy. Finally, we were allowed to go out. 2 Once upon a time, the world lived as if there was no pause nor end. It was all hustle, grind, and run until everyone was breathless and exhausted from all the work they had to do. Then, life changed when the virus spread. People couldn't go out of their homes. Work and school stopped. Time seemingly slowed like never before. 3 Alcohol-based hand rubs reduce the growth of microorganisms by dissolving the bacteria's cellular membrane. 4 Dr. Mary Grace Dacuma of the UP Pandemic Response Team has released findings from a recent study on how an epidemic happens and what an epidemic wave is. She noted that the COVID-19 epidemic in the Philippines most likely started with an imported case from an infected person or persons who entered the Philippines. The infected person with the virus is likely the index case that spread the virus to others locally. Dacuma pointed out that the index case(s), especially those that did not cause local transmission, does not form part of the epidemic wave. (Manila Bulletin 2020) 5. This virus does not have a nationality, it does not have an agenda or a political affiliation, it exists to spread where, when and how it can. The only thing that can stop it is community and cooperation. This is not a time for blame or division... The future is being written today, let's write it together with all of our hearts and our humanity. (Morgan, J. & Rosemberg, A. 2020)​


Morgan j are not pacific area what I don't no


sorry Ang haba he ☺️

11. 190079 ytivitɔA.VI4. Which statement can define The Ego?a. satisfies ones wantsb. operates according to realityyiotrovni tqsono io2: ylivitoAavionoinsani develops according to ône's desires bris iqoonoo toa nwo woy ts Xool 6 976TIsdwardo alfecis persons opinion toward himself s9w y19v = 0:91652 erit gniau pritlis llanuoypronta vieve = notte = pnoik5. Which statement is true about mind as the seat of consciousness as defined by Rene Descartes?a through our minds we perceive the future159998 X5a giones VII.b. through our minds we know ourselves better upit biaya ym to buon msl.Sc. through our minds we realized bup past experiencesevidobitis yllspieydq me 1.8d. through our minds we keep on discovering people's beliefmarlo diw obuxe I.Aritiw gnols top of 1269 mb 1.26. Which is NOT true about self-development bnb olgo9q n9197lib of taubs no 1.2a. every people will undergo this process.aldsrl=607996 ms ITb. everybody will look for ways to understand himself/herself a bns eldsvol ms 1.8c. everyone will find it difficult to know himself/herself better.d. every individual has the chance of knowing himselffherself betterosqe sveril.frInspilletni msl.ON7. What is likely to happen when one gained complete understanding of himself/herself?tagmgpbui topit 9x16m bns egoitbutia asylsps vlizs9 nso .STa. he/she will seek professional help.b. he/she will find difficult knowing others..19n9tail boog smsl.ATc. helshe will build a better life on his/her own..10219 Suism s ml.ard. he/she will take his/her part in the society successfully8. To where a person is believed to acquire his/her first and primary concept of right arwrong? sold siz sanizu non mi 121109-152 TUO 1919191ni bas 291092 Mov ILS bbAa. from his/her familysow no = OS Holsd din 91092b. from his/her schoolso ist wo2 = PE-IS1o 97002C. from his/her friendsgnout2 = 00-0A 10 91002d. from his/her societyTEKzi yilnozroq YM9. Why should a person develop the The Ego?a. he/she will become more matureb. he/she will appear more educatedc. he/she will gain be more successfuld. he/she will leam how to control his/her instincts.SIVUA10. Why is The Superego important?a. This gives person guidelines of distinguishing right from wrong..olor siqisib. This teaches an individual to be more careful of his/her actions. 79950 loanc. This provides concept of communities' rules for judging people's actions.d. This helps one realize whether actions of others are needed to be payud som mise​












12. Why is it important to use appropriate instrument in measuring? A. It gives exact measurement. B. The measurements vary. C. Using nonstandard measuring instrument will give inaccurate measurement.D. Both a and c 17. What instrument will you use if you want to measure the length of your pencil? A. tape measure B. meter stick C. ruler D. zigzag rule18. Force is measured in which units? A. degrees B. meter C. gram D. newton 19. Speed is the rate of motion and expresses as a measurement of distance moved during a period of time. Which of the following shows the correct unit of speed? A. meter C. meter per second B. kilometers per hour D. both B and c 20. Which of the following is the disadvantage/s of using nonstandard measuring instrument like body parts? A. Using measuring devices give precise and exact measurement.B. Using nonstandard measuring instrument will give inaccurate measurement. C. Standards of measurement help people process their data accurately. D. all of the above21. Which of the following drawings are example of motion?22. A car is sailing from the port. Compared to which reference point is the ship in motion? A. the sea B. the port C. the captain of the ship D. the cargo the ship carries23. Which is an ideal reference point? A. a colored object B. a non-moving landmark C. a person running D. a cloud in the sky24.A circuit has power supply, load, switch and a __________.A. Battery B. Bulb C. Wires D. Motor25.What supplies energy in an electric circuit? A. conductor B. Light bulb C. Wire D. A battery26.What is the function of a power source in a circuit? A. It provides a steady source of electricity B. It provides a means through which the circuit can be broken C. It opens and closes the circuit D. It resist the flow of electrons27.What might happen if wires weren't protected with rubber or plastic? A. The power source will no longer provide a flow of current B. We would be harmed from electric shock C. The circuit would be brokenD. The current will not flow28. If you travel 80km in 2 hours, what was your average speed? A. 10 km/h B. 40 km/h C. 20 km/h D. 4 km/ h29. Which one is the example of a conductor?a. plastic glass b. spoon made of metal c. paper plate d. wood30.Which one is the example of insulator?a. rubberB. golden forkc. needled. coins​

















13. 1. Mr. Joseph as a broadcaster will assume or being a part player by a person or thing in any situation. 2. Ms. Andes as writer always consider that one is required to do as part of a job, role, or legal obligation 3. The head of the communication department will follow moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. 4. The English teacher will perform an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing. 5. Mr. Ampon is willing to take part in achieving a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. 6. Mrs. Azucena maintains the principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. 7. Jake handles major ability to do something well; expertise. 8. Jenna consults the professional who is able to convey or exchange information, news, or ideas, especially those who is eloquent or skilled. 9. Gabriel approaches the professional who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or prepares news to be broadcast. 10. Mrs. Joaquin consider practice that involves mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.


pa answer naman po plsss

14. PART II. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSEWrite TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect, underline the incorrectword then write the correct word on the space provided before the number. (2pts. each)Read very carefullyreview should not be less than 200 words.21. The length of the review depends upon the length of the book itself, and aattention primarily to the novel or book's setting, plot, style, characters,22. For non-fictional works such as novels, chic lit, graphic novels, manga: Paytheme/s, use of language and voice.23. Synthesis is one of the four literature review strategies that combine ideasin order to form an integrated theory or system through critical evaluation, compare/contrast,24. Summary is one of the four literature review strategies that assess theresearch based on the criteria or rubric that you choose, state, and explain. Support it withanother similar research.etc.25. A Research Report is a long, formal essay, usually five to fifteen pages islength, which presents the writer's views and findings on a chosen subject.26. Discussion is the most important section of research for two reasons:llows readers to evaluate the quality of the research, and (2) it provides the details by whicnother researcher may replicate and validate the findings.27. An informal project proposal is about 2-4 pages long.28. The objectives show what the reader or the target audience can gainproject proposal, which may be improvements in processes or systems, an increase inenue, or a change in behavior of the beneficiaries of the proposal.29. Factual knowledge is a supporting evidence for position paper whand verifiable information.30. Statistical inferences are based on knowledge of the facts and cadered principle, and rely on evidence instead of limited personal help naman po need ko po ngaun.​




Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect, underline the incorrect

word then write the correct word on the space provided before the number. (2pts. each)

Read very carefully

review should not be less than 200 words.

21. The length of the review depends upon the length of the book itself, and a

attention primarily to the novel or book's setting, plot, style, characters,

22. For non-fictional works such as novels, chic lit, graphic novels, manga: Pay

theme/s, use of language and voice.

23. Synthesis is one of the four literature review strategies that combine ideas

in order to form an integrated theory or system through critical evaluation, compare/contrast,

24. Summary is one of the four literature review strategies that assess the

research based on the criteria or rubric that you choose, state, and explain. Support it with

another similar research.


25. A Research Report is a long, formal essay, usually five to fifteen pages is

length, which presents the writer's views and findings on a chosen subject.

26. Discussion is the most important section of research for two reasons:

llows readers to evaluate the quality of the research, and (2) it provides the details by whic

nother researcher may replicate and validate the findings.

27. An informal project proposal is about 2-4 pages long.

28. The objectives show what the reader or the target audience can gain

project proposal, which may be improvements in processes or systems, an increase in

enue, or a change in behavior of the beneficiaries of the proposal.

29. Factual knowledge is a supporting evidence for position paper wh

and verifiable information.

30. Statistical inferences are based on knowledge of the facts and ca

dered principle, and rely on evidence instead of limited personal experience.

pa help naman po need ko po ngaun.​

15. Practical Research 1 1.It is conducted to evaluate the validity of a hypothesis or an interpretive framework; to assemble a body of substantive knowledge and findings for sharing them in appropriate manners; and to generate questions for further inquiriesA.Research C. StudyB.Paper D. Inquiry2.It is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and understandingsA.Research C. StudyB.Paper D. Inquiry3.These are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds if their creation is being used in paper.A.IPR C. IPOb.RRL D. APA4.A kind of research that involves seeking new applications of scientific knowledge to the solution of a problem.A.FieldResearch C.AppliedResearch B. Action Research D. Laboratory research5.A kind of research that is according to venue is conducted in a natural setting where no changes are made in the environment.A.Field Research C. Applied ResearchB.Action Research D. Laboratory research6.A kind research according to type of data that utilizes numerical method of measuring or ascertaining the variable. It uses an objective method of measuring the variable and data are treated using statistical toolsA.Field Research C. Applied ResearchB.Quantitative Research D. Qualitative Research7.A kind of research that do not utilize numerical data but instead data are presented through elaborate word descriptions of what is observed.A.Field Research C. Applied ResearchB.Quantitative Research D. Qualitative Research8.It is a problem-solving approach of research that describes what will be when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulatedA.Experimental Research C. B.Applied ResearchLibrary Research D. Exploratory Research9.Which of the following is not belong to preliminaries parts of qualitative research?A.Copyright Page Title Page C. Certification B.Approval Sheet D.Glossary10.Which of the following is NOT belong to the chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background?A.Significance of the Study C. Scope and Limitations of the Study B.Definition of Terms D.Table of contents11.Which of the following is part of Chapter 3: Methodology?A. Research Design C. Sources of Data: Informant/s’ Profile B. Ethical Considerations D. All of the above12. In this part of research, it should give information as to what the study is all about. A. Introduction C. Theoretical Framework B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology13. This section should present the different theories, models, paradigms, perspectives related to the variables, problem statement and hypothesis of the present study. A. Introduction C. Theoretical Framework B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology14. This section should include important or key terms that should be substantially and clearly defined according to how they are used in the study to facilitate understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms which can be otherwise interpreted in different ways.A. Definition of Terms C. Theoretical Framework B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology15. This section briefly explains the boundaries or coverage of the study in terms of the subjects, the study area, the research instrument, the time frame, the population or universe, and the issues to which the study is focused.A. Scope and Delimitation C. Statement of the problem B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology16. It also states the specific questions or sub-problems of the study.A. Scope and Delimitation C. Statement of the problem B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology17. It provides background information about the study and ends with the purpose of the studyA. Introduction C.Methodology B. Conceptual Framework D. Methodology18. It is one of the components of a research process. The candidate needs to review the write-ups, readings, and studies related to the present studyA. Scope and Delimitation C.Conclusion B. Review of Related Literature D.Recommendationpatulong po.​




















16. Concept Check:Part I: Multiple Choice1. The following are the descriptions of the bibliography. Which ONE is not? A. It is an alphabetized list of all the sources used in the paper. B. It may appear at the end of a book, report, online presentation, or research paper. C. It is a list of works (such as books and articles) written on a particular subject or by a particular author. D. It is a list of all the main characters or important persons in a book or articles. 2. What type of bibliographic format is given below? Hall, Donald, ed. The Oxford Book of American Literacy Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1981.A. Chicago B. APAC. MLA D. All of the preceding answers 3. This format includes the Notes-Bibliography System and the Author-Date System. What is referred to by this? A. MLA B. APAC. ChicagoD. All of the preceding answers4. What type of bibliographic format is given below? Pettingill, O. S., Jr. (1980). Falcon and Falconry. World book encyclopedia. (pp. 150-155). Chicago: World BookA. MLA B. APAC. Chicago D. All of the preceding answers 5. Which of the following does not merit the importance of bibliography? A. You must give credit where credit is due to avoid charges of plagiarism. B. It adds beauty and styles to the writings. C. Demonstrates that you are capable of writing on an academic or professional level. D. Using information from a credible source lends credibility to your thesis or argument. Nonsense report‼️​


1.D2.C 3.D4.B5.A



17. Parent's Signature: GRADE/SECTION: Date: IONIH A. Features of Academic Writing Fill in th blanks by completing the word that is defined. 1. It is achieved in a paragraph that says all that is intended to say. C__O__E__E__S 2. It means oneness of ideas when all the sentences develop the main idea. lecting - on N 3. It literally means "to hold together”.Sentences are arranged in orderly sequence that links. LO R_L_E 4. It is a paragraph that explains information, also called informative paragraph. S 5. It is a paragraph that is intended to gain the reader's support concerning a topic. R – A E 6. It is achievd when sentences reveal an order, that is from general to specific, whole to part, cause and effect and so on. E--- E__H___ 7. It is a paragraph that paint a mental plcture of the person, object or situation including its emotions. E_C___T__ B. Give your own reflection of the topic lesson in this module by completing the starting phrase. The most important thing I learned about this lesson was​


i dont know


18. with a mallet Activity 1: Complete the Sentence Supply the missing word to make the sentence complete. 1. For the Africans, 2. Soul was music is a very important part of their life. of the 1950's and 1960's 3. The notes of the blues create an expressive and sound 4. Idiophones are percussion instruments that are either or against one another. 5. are instruments which produce sounds from the vibration of strings. 6. The term is normally associated with a deeply religious person 7. African music has a basically overlapping and dense texture as well as it rhythmic complexity. 8. is a type of music popularized by Ray Charles. 9. is an instrument used in ceremonial functions such as weeding, funerals, and in honor of significant people. 10. Aerophones are musical instruments that produce sound primarily by trapping or enclosing a body or column of air and causing it to structural format, due to its Page 25 of 31 Schools Division Office of Bataan | Music 10 Quarter 2: Module 1​














19. Direction: MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Read and understand each statementcarefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is incorrect, replace theunderlined word/s with the correct one to make the sentence true.11. A person portrayed in a literary work is called character.12. The story's time and place is called setting.13. Resolution is the part of the story that reveals the solution andtakes care of the conflict.14. Rising action is the element of plot where the author introducesthe characters and setting.15. In exposition, the problem/conflict is introduced.16. Prewriting is essential to create believable characters.17. Setting can be an antagonist because time and weather canaffect the character.18. In a one-act play, there is only time for one significant event.19. Your main character plays the most important role in your story.20. The playwright arranges the dramatic action into a cohesivedesign also known as setting.​












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