Is Our Reverence Of Science Justified

Is Our Reverence Of Science Justified

Is our reverence of science justified?

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1. Is our reverence of science justified?


Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.

2. is our reverence to science justifiable?​


Answer: Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science

3. Is our reverence of science justified?​


Is our reverence of science justified? ... Yes, it is justified that we appreciate to the study of science in order for us know and discover deeper phenomenon that exists.


Is our reverence of science justified? ... Yes, it is justified that we appreciate to the study of science in order for us know and discover deeper phenomenon that exists.


hope it helps to you!

4. Is the reverence of science justified


Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.


5. who said these line, "The purpose of our existence is praise, reverence and service of God our Lord"?​


St. Ignatius


Ignatius says that we are “created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save [our] soul.”

6. why are folk dances and festival dances revered and celebrated very well in our country

Primarily, it keeps a culture of people alive, by sharing and teaching younger generations the dances. Dance keeps the history of people alive as well. Dances are ways a community celebrates a special event or important date in time.9 Sep 2017

7. is our reverence of science justified? explain​

Yes!, because if you’re using “reverence”to mean “deep respect” and not in the more ordinary religious sense, I suggest that science deserves “reverence” because science is (or should be) a well respected truth-seeking way of knowing in any culture.

Culture can be viewed as a vast dialogue. We all are talking to one another in one way or another, through how we spend our money, as an artist’s art survives by sales, in politics as we vote, through our churches, in courts of law, via popular culture, in schools, and most significantly, on the Internet.

Some voices are louder than others and often seek to shout down competing and contrary voices. The volume of voices addressing an issue is especially evident and can be seen in User Generated Content (UGC) found on the Internet within websites, blogs, social media, video websites, image posting websites, and even socially-interactive multi-player video gaming.

Science is part of our culture and participates in this dialogue. Whether or not science is considered a well respected and central truth-seeking way of knowing in our cultural dialogue depends on how well we understand how science “thinks” and how well we can think about what science has to tell us. Out of the dialogue that is our culture, we build our hierarchies of values, some of which are dependent on what science can tell us.

Science is an extraordinary way of knowing and thinking about nature that is uniquely positioned and indeed essential to making the best choices in life, which, in turn, define our personal and collective values. It is not that it is the only or necessarily the best way of knowing or thinking about every choice we face, but it is one that can be directly related to our well being (dare I say happiness) and the well being of our culture. I’m convinced that we can weave philosophy, history, science, and other ways of knowing together to make convincing arguments that science is an extraordinary way of knowing and thinking and is mutually exclusive from other ways of thinking and knowing. The exclusivity of science to explain nature is unique and will not or cannot agree with other ways of knowing. What is important is that you reflect on how you should be thinking about a choice before you. For example, it would be probably unwise to turn to a poet or musician to cure you of a disease.

8. What is your interpretation and understanding? "Piety is a virtue that includes our since devotion and reverence to God."​


"humanity's self side is mans greatest traitor"

9. Is our Reverence of science justified? Explain po thank you​


sorry di ko alm thank you nlang sa points

10. Is your reverence of science justified? Explain

I’m not so sure if people should revere science, maybe respect would be a more appropriate term. I know many profess that science have done wonders for the world, and to a certain degree it did, but it has also been used to create some of the most terrible things decent people won’t think of making such as the nuclear bomb and various weapons that have caused misery for many decades.

Click on the link for more information:

11. In your own religious sect you belong, what are some practices you are always doing in giving reverence and humility to our god?


Religious beliefs include practices/rituals such as prayer or meditation and engagement with religious community members. While spiritual and religious beliefs have significant overlap, the authors chose to examine both of these concepts because they are frequently brought into the forefront when coping with illness.


Depending on where you live, religion may also make you feel better about yourself by making you feel part of your larger culture. People who are religious have higher self-esteem and better

12. Which of the Ten Commandments point to call for reverence to God? Which of them point to respect for our fellow human beings?​


the 1st to 3rd commandments are the call for reverence to God while the 4th to 10th commandments points respect to our fellow human being.

13. Kissing the hands of our elders to show respect is arevered tradition in many Filipino homes. Why should wepreserve this beautiful practice?​

For me we should preserve this beautiful practice because this is a good practice. By doing this we could make our elders smile and they're problems might disappearout of nowhere. If we do this together all of us our elders will be so happy about this. This kind of activity is showing how much you respect your elders, how much you loved them, and how much you care for them


That's my answer. Hope it helps:)

14. Which of the Ten Commandments point to call for reverence to God? Which of them point to respect for our fellow human beings? Christian Living

First commandment-I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt not have strange Gods before me
Second commandment- Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

15. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.​


Is our reverence of Science justified?

I'm a little bit confuse about the word "reverence" so I decided to define reverence first before explaining the question.

Reverence is defined as a deep respect for something or someone. It is how we act towards someone supreme or higher than us.

With regards to the question, in my own opinion I think it is justifiable that we revere to the study of science in order to know deeper some phenomenon that exists. Our approach in studying facts and figures is credited through the study of science, but we have to accept that there are somethings that we can not explain through Science. Us humans are designed to believe in something whether seen or unseen. This is where Faith comes in. In my point of view, things that can not be further explained through facts and figures just like how the universe ever existed - even there were theories to back it up it still starts with something that was created from nothing should be given up to something that is huge, something that is infinite something that is powerful. That is where faith in our Creator comes in.  

These are the things I noticed why Faith and Science should go hand-in-hand and side-by-side:

A lot of scientists and researchers lose their sanity once they decided to believe that all things can be explained by science. If you ever notice all things that can not be explained has void - that is where faith is left to fill it up. That is the Creator's design.

If we highly regard science as our only way of living then our life would be meaningless. There is no point on why we ever existed.

We are designed to follow on something - in fact all things are we cans see it in the design of nature, Wolves have Alpha, Ants have Queens, We have God.

There will be chaos once people decided that all things are just science but if we put God in the equation, there will be balance of Good and evil those who believe and those who does not believe.

This question is a very broad topic to answer, but as I close this write up I would like to emphasize that not all things are science. Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less.

Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.



Reverence can only be honored to a person or being. In as much as we honor an artist on may reverence the Creator. No matter how far we develop everything in our lives in the understanding of the methods and mechanisms that are found in and he discoveries of science there will be forever be what is beyond our ability to comprehend. Because of this even scientist must chose to have faith in unproven theories and hypothesis. Some scientist rejects the notion of faith. But to function successfully it is essential. Beyond what humanity can or will ever know is that they believe in realm of faith.

16. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.


If you’re using “reverence”to mean “deep respect” and not in the more ordinary religious sense, I suggest that science deserves “reverence” because science is (or should be) a well respected truth-seeking way of knowing in any culture.

Culture can be viewed as a vast dialogue. We all are talking to one another in one way or another, through how we spend our money, as an artist’s art survives by sales, in politics as we vote, through our churches, in courts of law, via popular culture, in schools, and most significantly, on the Internet.

Some voices are louder than others and often seek to shout down competing and contrary voices. The volume of voices addressing an issue is especially evident and can be seen in User Generated Content (UGC) found on the Internet within websites, blogs, social media, video websites, image posting websites, and even socially-interactive multi-player video gaming.

Science is part of our culture and participates in this dialogue. Whether or not science is considered a well respected and central truth-seeking way of knowing in our cultural dialogue depends on how well we understand how science “thinks” and how well we can think about what science has to tell us. Out of the dialogue that is our culture, we build our hierarchies of values, some of which are dependent on what science can tell us.

Science is an extraordinary way of knowing and thinking about nature that is uniquely positioned and indeed essential to making the best choices in life, which, in turn, define our personal and collective values. It is not that it is the only or necessarily the best way of knowing or thinking about every choice we face, but it is one that can be directly related to our well being (dare I say happiness) and the well being of our culture. I’m convinced that we can weave philosophy, history, science, and other ways of knowing together to make convincing arguments that science is an extraordinary way of knowing and thinking and is mutually exclusive from other ways of thinking and knowing. The exclusivity of science to explain nature is unique and will not or cannot agree with other ways of knowing. What is important is that you reflect on how you should be thinking about a choice before you. For example, it would be probably unwise to turn to a poet or musician to cure you of a disease.


17. As Nurses of tomorrow, how will you make a mark in the history of our nation outside the current reverence afforded to your profession due to the pandemic?​


iloveyou po laloves na kita

18. How do society and culture influence the development of science and technology?Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.What are the factors that influence the Development of Filipino​


Technology influences society through its products and processes. ... Social needs, attitudes, and values influence the direction of technological development.


Science and technology have advanced through contributions of many different people, in different cultures, at different times in history.

19. is our science reverence justified?​


Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.


20. 1.God deserves the highest form of reverence which we expressin our communal or personal acts of worship.​


Asan po ung tanong ?

wala po Kasi ung tanong eh

21. 1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain​


Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.

22. is your reverence of science justified​


Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our faith in out creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less . faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.

23. How can our human body be a natural sacrament? Why is respect and reverence for human life important? From SecretStory's question Nonsense = report



.How can our human body be a natural sacrament?

Following Jesus' example, our human bodies are not just "instruments" that we can use according to our whims but should be used to serve and glorify God.

Why is respect and reverence for human life important?

.Respect and reverence for human life, then, is a core human and Christian virtue. We discover the true dignity yet fragility of our lives as humans in learning to respect everyone's life and to truly care for one another.


hope it helps

THE WORD BECAME FLESHHow can our human body be a natural sacrament?Following Jesus's example, our human bodies are not just "instruments" that we can use according to our whims but should be used to serve and glorify God. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, given by God? You belong no longer to yourselves. Remember at what price you have been bought and make your body serve the glory of God." (1 Cor 6: 19 - 20)

Why is respect and reverence for human life important?Respect and reverence for human life, then, is a core human and Christian virtue. We discover the true dignity yet fragility of our lives as human in learning to respect everyone's life and truly care for one another. To foster and care for our own life and the lives of others is a moral responsibility, entrusted to us by God, which we share with all other persons.



24. is our reverence of science through human flourishing justified? explain.


“Is our reverence of science justified?”

Science is so reliable that your very life depends upon it.

Should it disappear tonight, the developed world would collapse.

No power,

no water,

no sanitation,

no refrigeration,

no fuel,

no transport,

no food,

no food production,

no communication.

Panic would give way to anarchy.

Should gods disappear tonight.

Nobody would notice.

The whispered pleas for special consideration would continue, unanswered but inside the imagination.

Clergy would still have their hands out, and offer pitiful, pious platitudes.

Nothing would change.

The real question is:

Why is there any reverence for gods?


i hope this helps

25. 1. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain


This is an excellent question because the validity of science is hardly ever called into question. In some ways, science deserves the reverence and respect that it gets. It is indeed useful to have an empirical measure of how things work because this is helpful when there is a need for more objectivity and less subjectivity. This is important when it comes to innovation that improves our lives. Despite this, let us not forget that people and experts in the scientific fields have biases too. You can argue that numbers and facts do not lie, but it is hard to remove these points of view completely. In studies, these prejudices might affect the outcome even unintentionally. For example, the medical field uses a lot of data that does not take into consideration all races. In the sense, science should not be taken as the whole truth. It is important to be critical of these issues if we want to make science more inclusive and, ultimately, more accurate and correct.


Here is a good explanation of the importance of science:

26. I. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain.​

Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less. Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.

Reverence for science is not justified it is taught to children beginning at a very young age. Most of what is called science in not knowledge at all.

Hope it helps pabrainliest din thx

27. this agent of socialization teaches us morality and reverence to our creator​


yet but I'm not going to be


a moral agent is a person who has an ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his or her own actions


hope it helps

28. Is our reverence of science justified the Study the Millennium Development Goals


nasaan yung tanong jan


pa brainles ng sagot ko


29. Is our reverence of science justified? Explain


Is our reverence of Science justified?

I'm a little bit confuse about the word "reverence" so I decided to define reverence first before explaining the question.

Reverence is defined as a deep respect for something or someone. It is how we act towards someone supreme or higher than us.

With regards to the question, in my own opinion I think it is justifiable that we revere to the study of science in order to know deeper some phenomenon that exists. Our approach in studying facts and figures is credited through the study of science, but we have to accept that there are somethings that we can not explain through Science. Us humans are designed to believe in something whether seen or unseen. This is where Faith comes in. In my point of view, things that can not be further explained through facts and figures just like how the universe ever existed - even there were theories to back it up it still starts with something that was created from nothing should be given up to something that is huge, something that is infinite something that is powerful. That is where faith in our Creator comes in.  

These are the things I noticed why Faith and Science should go hand-in-hand and side-by-side:

A lot of scientists and researchers lose their sanity once they decided to believe that all things can be explained by science. If you ever notice all things that can not be explained has void - that is where faith is left to fill it up. That is the Creator's design. If we highly regard science as our only way of living then our life would be meaningless. There is no point on why we ever existed. We are designed to follow on something - in fact all things are we cans see it in the design of nature, Wolves have Alpha, Ants have Queens, We have God. There will be chaos once people decided that all things are just science but if we put God in the equation, there will be balance of Good and evil those who believe and those who does not believe.

This question is a very broad topic to answer, but as I close this write up I would like to emphasize that not all things are science. Science was there to help us understand things in the most human way but without our Faith in out Creator, we can not continue this life everything will be meaning less.

Faith is greater than Science, Faith should have higher reverence than in science.


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30. Is our reverence of science justified? How much is too much explain


Yes, it is justified that we appreciate to the study of science in order for us know and discover deeper phenomenon that exists. ... On the other hand, Science was there to help us understand things in our human way but without our Faith in our Creator, we cannot continue this life everything will be meaningless.

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