Grow Foods Pictures

Grow Foods Pictures

picture of go,glow,grow foods​

Daftar Isi

1. picture of go,glow,grow foods​


sorry po yan lang po ang nakayanan



Thats the answer

hope it hepls


2. picture ofproper portion of go,grow,and glow food


hope it helps

pls mark me as brainliest

pa follow na din

3. 3 types of1.Go foods2.Grow foods3.Glow foodssend picture☺​





4. what comes first in your mind upon seeing the pictures glow grow go food​


A group of foods that we must follow for a healthy living


Hope it helps

5. 14. Opossums are strange creatures. Unlike most animals, they like to hold theirfood with all four feet! Their tails are long and flexible. Have you seen pictures ofthem hanging from tree branches by their tails? When an opossum hangs by itstail, it can grasp a peach with its four paws and enjoy a midnight snack!What is the cause of opossums hanging by their tails?A. To avoid predatorsB. To eat a snack using all four pawsC. To sleepD. To reach food growing in the trees​

Answer: eat a snack using all four paws


I think hope it helps

6. 3. Opossums are strange creatures. Unlike most animals, they like to hold their food with all four feet. Their tails are long andflexible. Have you seen pictures of them hanging from tree branches by their tails? When an opossum hangs by its tail, it can graspa peach with its four paws and enjoy a midnight snack! What is the cause of opossums hanging by their talls?a. To avoid predatorsc. To eat a snack using all four pawsb. To sleepd. To reach food growing in the trees4. Due to their incredible force and unpredictability, floods can cause tremendous damage. They can ruin houses, roads andbuildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months toclea Mark lost his key.n up after a flood. What is the EFFECT?a. Floods can cause a lot of damage. C. Floods happen in many areas without waming,b. Floods are strong and unpredictable. d. Flood damage is devastating5. Frank Jones loves going fishing. One Saturday aftemoon, he went fishing and caught a humongous fish. However, the fishgot away because Frank hadn't tied the string tight enough and it broke.What was the cause of the fish getting away?a. The string wasn't tight enough and it broke, c. The hook broke.b. A screw came out of the rod.d. The fish got awayang makasagut follow ko po ty​


3. C 4. A 5.A



7. 1. Type of soil that forms from partially decayed plants * 1 point a. sandy soil b. loamy soil c. organic soil d. inorganic soil 2. Animal waste, food washing, decayed fruits, vegetable peeling, and hummus are all mixed * 1 point a. loamy soil b. inorganic fertilizer c. organic soil d. organic fertilizer 3. Considered to be the most important factor influencing tree or crop development. * 1 point a. climate b. water c. temperature d. soil 4. Trees cannot live without it because it is found in every plant, cell, and tissue. * 1 point a. climate b. water c. temperature d. soil 5. Is made up mainly of coarse particles of sand * 1 point a. sandy soil b. loamy soil c. organic soil d. inorganic soil 6. They develop scientific improvement for each plant species present in a locality and adjacent places. * 1 point a. Commercial Nursery b. Bureau of Plant Industry c. Agricultural Institution d. Department of Agriculture 7. A new plant is grown by inserting a scion into the stock so that it will form a union. * 1 point a. Budding b. Grafting c. Marcotting d. Cutting 8. Done by transferring the lateral bud from the scion to the stock of the same family of plants * 1 point a. Budding b. Grafting c. Marcotting d. Cutting 9. A propagating method wherein the mature branch of the plant is induced to root while still growing on the mother plant. * 1 point a. Budding b. Grafting c. Marcotting d. Cutting 10. The method of reproducing and multiplying plants using seeds * 1 point a. Asexual Propagation b. Cutting c. Sexual Propagation d. Seed Dispersal TRUE OR FALSE 11. Select any branching of marcotting. * 1 point True False 12. Trees should be based on climate, location and market demands. * 1 point True False 13. Fruit and Nut trees are not found in an Orchard. * 1 point True False 14. Seed should be free from a mixture of weed seeds. * 1 point True False 15. Orchard farming can help the community to build more resilient food production. * 1 point True False 16. What method of seed testing is in the picture? * 1 point Captionless Image Rag-doll Method Visual Inspection Dish Method 17. What method of seed testing is in the picture? * 1 point Captionless Image Rag-doll Method Visual Inspection Dish Method 18. What process of plant propagation is shown in the picture? * 1 point Captionless Image Grafting Marcotting Budding 19. What process of plant propagation is shown in the picture? * 1 point Captionless Image Grafting Marcotting Budding 20. What method of seed testing is in the picture? * 1 point Captionless Image Rag-doll Method Visual Inspection Dish Method




















1) organic soil















16)saan yung picture?

17)saan yung picture?

18)saan yung picture?

19)saan yung picture?

20)saan yung picture?

8. Activity1.Direction:YOU ARE WHAT YOU EATReflect on the (three) pictures. Then, answer the questions thatfollow.Glow Grow SGOQuestions:1. What comes first in your mind upon seeing the pictures/words?2. Can you recall foods that belong to each word?3. What is the meaning of each food group shown above?47​


How will you describe the geographical features of farming village?

9. 1. If you were the man in the picture with lots offoods in front of him, will he get all themicronutrients needed for his growing body?Discuss thoroughly.​


If u see the food infront of u,you will surely eat it and get more weight until you will feel a stomache

10. 21. What type of symbiotic relationship is shown in this picture?A mutualismB. predationC. parasitismD. commensalisms22. Which of the following symbiotic relationships is considered parasitic?A. Tapeworm in an intestinal tractB. Bees transporting pollen from flowersC. Pilot fish swimming under sharksD. Birds eating the insects from the back of a hippopotamus23. After a volcanic eruption, lava covers the land. What is the order that plants grow to repopulate the aA. Lichens → Shrubs → Grasses → Trees C. Grasses → Lichens → Shrubs → TreesB. Shrubs → Trees → Grasses → Lichens D. Lichens → Grasses → Shrubs > Trees24. What is the primary difference of food chain and the food web?A. a food chain shows how energy is stored.B. a food web shows how energy is used.C. a food web is a complex system of food chain.D. a food chain is a combination of different food webs.25. What is true about organisms at the highest trophic level in an energy pyramid?A. They are producers.B. They are first order consumers.C. The least amount of energy is transferred to them.D. The greatest amount of energy is transferred to them.​


san yung pic dun sa 21? bat wala

11. Assessment Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which of these is used to promote rapid growth of plant. a. Cultivating b. watering c. Applying Fertilizer 2. Which of these is a process of tilling and loosening the soil around the tree that helps to nurture the plants in growing a. Transplanting b. removing the plant in a pot C. Cultivating 3. Which of these comes from animal manure, food washing, and plants residues that are necessary elements for plants growth. a. Organic Fertilizer b. Inorganic Fertilizer c. Pesticide 4. Which of these keeps the soil moist and makes the plant healthy. a. Water b. Organic Fertilizer c. Pesticide 5. Which of these is a necessary element and step used for the growth of plants. C. Applying Organic Fertilizers b. Applying Pesticides C. Applying Weedicides When is the best time to water the plants? a. In the afternoon b. Midnight c. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon 6. 7. What does the little girl do in the picture below? a. Watering the plant b. Applying Organic Fertilizer C. Cultivating the soil around the plant​


1. c

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. c. (applying organic fertilizer)

6. c



I answered this based on what I have learned from my middle school. There's no picture given for number seven (7).

12. 1. What are the different types of food? 2. Base on the picture can you give an example of food under a. Go Food b. Grow Food c. Glow food 3. What are the nutrients we can get from a. Go Food b. Grow Food c. Glow food​



2.GO(rice,bread,corn and noodles)

GLOW(apple,carrots,mango and pineapple)

GROW( chicken,fish, cheese, egg and milk)

3.The Go, Glow and Grow are the best food preparation pattern adopted in serving our service users their meals. The “Go” foods contain fats and carbohydrates. These foods provide energy which makes them more active and gives them strength to exercise.


pa brainliest po

13. 1. Continuity of life is explained by .A. evolutionB. regulationC. form and functionD. reproduction and inheritance2. Living things are considered organisms if they possess which of the following characteristics?A. grow and developB. failure to produce offspringC. absence of orderly structureD. incapability of adapting to changing environment3. Which of the following best explains why humans sweat when they feel hot?A. ability to growB. ability to reproduceC. maintain the internal environmentD. use energy4. Study the given picture. Which of the following DOES NOT describe it?A. It shows how organisms respond to its environment.B. The organisms are growing and developing.C. There is a transfer of energy among living organisms.D. They are evolving.5. Which statement does not describe the image on the right side?A. Plants acquire energy for them to performits task, the food making.B. Plants need the abiotic factors in order to grow.C. There is a transfer of energy from the sunto the plants.D. They are evolving.6. Which among the given statements describes a cell?A. Early organisms lack cell.B. Cell is the basic unit of life.C. Cell is present among eukaryotic only.D. All of the above.7. Living organisms cannot live alone, they are interacting with the abiotic factors for sustainability of life. Which among the organisms is considered as the abiotic?A. bacteriaB. plantC. lightD. man8. One of the characteristics possessed by living organisms is growth and development. This happens upon acquiring energy. When creating a food chain, in what order do we start illustrating the smallest organism having the most energy?A. leading to the rightB. leading to the leftC. in the middleD. any order will do9. A nice smell of a plant is an adaptation thatA. helps the plant to keep the nutrients inside.B. pushes away the animals that try to eat them.C. attracts the pollinators.D. regulates the internal environment.10. It was observed that the deciduous trees lose their leaves during winter season in order to avoid freezing. This is an example of .A. a responseB. organization of lifeC. function and structureD. unity of living systems11. It is a unifying theme of life science that explains the improvement of lives of all organisms through research.A. adaptationB. inheritanceC. energy and lifeD. biology and society12. All organisms alive today have descended from simple cellular creatures billions of years ago. Biologists were able to identify and preserved some of the characteristics of that earliest organisms. This is associated in what theme?A. Function and structure are interdependent.B. Cell theory as a description of living systems.C. Emergent properties arise from the organization of life.D. Unity of living systems is explained by evolutionary conservation.13. The orchard sprayed with the chemical yields an average of 60 kilos of mangoes per tree, the other orchard yields an average of 40 kilos of mangoes per tree. Based on the data, in order to have a better yield trees must.I. receive the same amount of sunlightII. receive the same amount of waterIII. increase the orchard sprayA. I onlyB. II onlyC. I, IID. I, II,III14. Many threatened or endangered species can be saved by a large.A. coal mineB. food chainC. wildlife huntingD. reforestation project15. Living organisms can be protected through fighting deforestation. Which statement/s describe/s this?A. Plant more trees.B. Reduce the use of products made from woodfiber.C. Demand forest products from sustainable sources and deforestation fee supply chains.D. The choices are all correct.​


C. form and functionA. grow and developD. use energyD. They are evolving.A. Plants acquire energy for them to perform itD. All of the above.C. LightA. leading to the rightA. helps the plant to keep the nutrients inside.C. function and structureD. biology and societyB. Cell theory as a description of living systems.D. I, II, IIID. reforestation projectD. The choices are all correct



Is the defined area where living and nonliving organisms live and interacts with one another. Temperature, weather, and landscape are also part of the interconnected relationship between organisms in ecosystems.

This is the area where Biotic and Abiotic factors combine and interact.

Biotic Factors refer to the living organisms and Abiotic are the nonliving organisms that play a big part in producing energy to the Biotic.

These factors are interconnected to one another through the term called 'Food Chain or Food Web'

It consists of nonliving factors such as the sunlight that gives a source of energy for the plants, and the plants are being eaten by living organisms such as animals, some these animals are being eaten by another animal called Predator and at the end of the chain is the decomposition factors such as dead animals which goes to the soil as a form of nutrients and one of the factors for sustainable growths and reproductions of each plant.

For more information about ECOSYSTEMS,

Kindly visit this link:


14. SCIENCE 31. Circle the letter of the correct answer.1. It is the main form of communication among people and animals.A. voice B. sound C. radio2. We can hear the sound around us by using ourA. eyes B. nose C. ears3. It is a thing which produces sound and moving pictures that we usually use at home forentertainment.A. television B. radio C. glass4. Sound is produced when things around usA. breaks B. vibrates C. cries5. A noisy type of vehicle that helps in putting out fire.A. ambulance B. taxi C. fire truckII. Write O in the space provided if the statement is True and write X if the statement is false1. Flash lights are used to light the room.2. Light helps plant to make food and grow.3. Light is used in many electronic appliances.4. Light is the form of energy that comes from the moon.5.Fire can be used as light during camping aside from cooking.​














1.B 2.C3.A4.B5.C



#Carry on learning

15. Fertilizers are one of the most important substances in the world since it is used to make food for 7.8 billion world population as of March 2020. Hundreds of millions of tons of fertilizer are made each year just to support our growing need for food. The most common material in making fertilizer is ammonia, which is made through the Haber-Bosch process, is synthesized through the following chemical reaction: N2 3H2 2NH, This ammonia is then used create other fertilizers, but sometimes, ammonia can be directly sprayed on to the soil or plant as seen in the picture above. Guide Questions:1. If you were to synthesive ammonia. how many grams of hydrogen gas are you going to need if you have 2500 prams of nitrogen gas' 2. How much ammonia can you procure from the piven amount of nitrogen gas help me,​


1. 12 grams of hydrogen gas

2. One nitrogen gas molecule reacts with three hydrogen gas molecules over finely divided iron as a catalyst to produce two ammonia molecules.

16. Learning Task No.4 Importance of Nutrition and Proper Diet (Performance Task) Directions: Nutrition plays a key role in the healthy development of students. Nutritious foods provide our body and mind with the energy needed to grow, feel well, be active, stay healthy and learn. In a short bond paper, using cutout pictures from magazines and newspaper, create a collage about the importance of nutrition, how to maintain good health and proper diet. This should include the different kinds of food rich in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, how they are acquired, and how or why one should always take into consideration amount of intake of such kinds of food. In addition, at the back of it, write an essay explaining your output.​

the COVID-19 pandemic a hoax you from philippines you from philippines you from the house you are doing well

17. 10. ______ are specialized underground stems swollen with fleshy leaves. Lilies, garlic, and onions grow from this. A. BulbsB. TubersC. StolonsD. Corn12. What branch of Science deals with the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. EcologyD. Psychology13. The relationship between biotic and abiotic factors in a certain place. A. EcosystemB. EcologyC. EnvironmentD. Estuary14. What provides a picture of how organisms consume other organisms to get energy? A. Food chainB. Food consumptionC. Food pyramidD. Food substance15. It consists of two or more food chains that are interconnected. A. Food chainB. Food processC. Food webD. Food label


10. B.

12. C.

13. A.

14. A.

15. C.

hope that helps!

18. A Look at the pictures below. These are some of our basic needs and other neeas thorder to survive Answer the questions about the pictures based on your family situation.21Where does your family get money to buy foods?2. Do you grow your own food or at least some of it?3 Do you own your house?If you don't own your house, do you rent it?If you don't rent it, whose house is it?If you rent does your family pay for it?4. Do you buy your clothes?Does anybody in your family know how to make youclothes?Who buys clothes for you?5. Who buys the things that you need for school?notes​


2. In my father's savings.

3. Yes/No

Yes– my mom was budgeting my dad’s savings for our needs.No– because we have no money to buy permanent housing.

Whose house is it? (I dont know)

4. Yes.


Who buys clother for you? My family.

5. My Mother and father.


di ko po alam


ty nalang sa points

19. Do you eat dishes similar to those in the pictures? They are examples of preserved foods. Food preservation is the process of preventing food spoilage by creating condition under which microorganisin cannot multiply and grow. Can you identify how these foods were preserved? Write the answers below.​


Examples of preserved foods include properly packaged refrigerated, frozen, canned, and dried products. The primary objective of food preservation is to prevent food spoilage until it can be consumed.


Hope it helps

20. b1. Rice is our staple food and our land is fertileenough to grow all we need; (thus, however,consequently) last year, we imported severalmillion pesos worth.2. Life gives you the chance to love, to work, toplay, to look up at the stars; (however, in fact,accordingly), be glad of life.3. We cannot take pictures here because the day iscloudy; (therefore, moreover, indeed), we haveno permission to do so.4. I saw him an hour ago; (nevertheless, thus, infact) I heard him deliver his lecture.5.Of them all, he is very competent, morallyupright, and a good leader; (moreover, however,indeed), he is the best man for the office.6. There's nothing terribly objectionable toballroom dancing; (consequently, in fact,nevertheless), it is very good exercise.7. Teresa topped the medical board examination;(nevertheless, accordingly, therefore), she washonoured at a banquet and presented a hugeplague of congratulations.8. A brewing storm was announced over the radio;(consequently, nevertheless, thus), the plane tookoff as scheduled​


1 however

2 in fact

3 therefore

4 in fact

5 however

6 in fact

7 accordingly

8 nevertheless

21. pictures ☝︎: Match the pictures at the left side with the sentences at the right side. Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity notebook.sentences ☟︎︎︎ᴀ. Transport water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. ʙ. Distribute seeds to new areas where the plant might grow.ᴄ. Support the leaves, fruits and flowers.ᴅ. Powerhouse and major site of food production for the plants.ᴇ. Take in the water and minerals which are needed by all the parts of the plants for growth.thankyou for answering, have a nice day. ^^​


1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. E


Sana makatulong

22. Assessment Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your chosen answer on a separate sheet 1. Which group of organisms can be found in the mangrove ecosystem? A. mussels, fish, corals B. worm, rat, fish C. butterfly, snake, bird D. mangrove trees, fiddler crab, fish 2. What are the things needed by plants to make their own food? A. water, chemicals and oxygen B. oxygen and carbon dioxide C. oxygen and chemicals D. carbon dioxide, soil and sunlight 3. Which of the following describes a canopy of the rainforest? A. composed of trees that are 130 to 180 feet tall B. about 59 feet and consists of trunk of canopy, shrubs, small plants and trees C. consists mostly of fungi, insects, worms and litter from taller trees D. has slender trees from a dense platform of vegetation with 60 to 129 feet. 4. What kind of interaction is shown when one organism kills another organism for food? A. mutualism B. commensalism C. parasitism D. predation 5. It is an environment where both living and non-living things exist and interact with one another. A. ecology B. ecosystem C. community D. population 6. One example of competition in tropical rainforest is when the shrubs and trees are growing together in one area. What do they compete for? A. sunlight and soil nutrients. B. oxygen and carbon dioxide. C. chemicals and oxygen. D. water and chemicals. 7 results from the interconnected food chains. A. consumer B. producer C. food web D. biotic component ❗NUMBER 8 9 AND 10 IS IN THE PICTURE ❗ WRONG ANSWER REPORT​




please pa heart and rate and follow

23. QUESTIONS: 1 The children caught some fish and placed them in a a fishbowl b. fish net o fish cart (literal) (inferential) 2. This story shows that the first people who lived by the river a Wore clean and caring for their surroundings Were good farmers and factory workers 3. Which word that best fits in the sentences below? (literal) "A on the mountainside is a beautiful site." a waterfall b. waterlily 4. Another good title of this story is a "All About Philippine Rivers (critical) b. "The Destruction of a River (critical) 5. The first people in Manila stayed close to the river because a They could grow food easily b. It gave cool and fresh air 6. When people started throwing chemicals, poison, and trash into the river, it became just like (inferential) a. A big garbage can b. a huge factory (critical) 7. People no longer enjoy the Pasig river because a. The water has turned to a vegetable garden The water has become black and ugly 8. Which of the sentences below gives a better picture? (inferential) a The people didn't take care of the river. b. The people threw waste, chemicals, and poison into the river.











paki brainlest

24. Choose the correct answer. 1. Aling Sonia noticed her child Mona is weak and pale. What do you think she should do? A. do not feed the child at the right time B. feed the child with nutritious foods c.let the child eat junk food d. let the child eat whatever food he or she wants 2. Gina feeds her pet dog every day. Why would she feed her dog? a. for the dog to get sick b. to keep the dog healthy c. to make the dog malnourished d. to make the dog weak 3. John planted a tomato plant. Waht do you think he needs to do? a. expose the plant to the sunlight b. let the plant die c. place the plant on the roof d. water the plant 4. Why must humans,animals and plants meet their basic needs? a. to stay alive b. to stop growing stay the same d. to stay beautiful 5. Laura sat down beside her friend Alie and opened her lunchbox. This is probably because a. Laura is going to draw a picture b. Laura is going to eat lunch c. Laura is going to take a nap d. Laura is going to dance 6. The movie ended and everyone in the audience clapped. This is probably because a. They wanted to see another movie b. They all liked the movie c. The movie was beginning d. The movie is horror


red and white and blue


if you need anything else from me please let me know if

25. 6. Which type of pyramid shows the amount of living tissue at each trophic level in ecosystem?a. a numbers pyramidc.a biomass pyramidb. an energy pyramidd. a food pyramid7. What are the waste products if cellular respiration?a. carbon dioxide and waterc. caroon dioxide and orygenb. ATP and ADPd. energy and glucose8.Where does water move in the water cycle?a from grass to cow and back c. from Earth to its atmosphereb. from oceans to land and back d from soil to plants9._______is released into the atmosphere when people drive carsa. oxygen b. methanec. bacteria d.carbon dioxide10. Raffaell is wondering how plants and animals depend on each other which is a good waFind out?a. Read a back on how to grow plantsc. Observe plants and animals for a whileB.Ask a friend who owns several animalsd.Look at pictures of plants and animals​


6. C. a biomass pyramid

7. A. carbon dioxide and water

8. B. from oceans to land and back

9. D. carbon dioxide

10. C. Observe plants and animals for a while.


6. biomass pyramid

A biomass pyramid represents the amount of living tissue within each trophic level.

7. Cellular respiration, the process by which organisms combine oxygen with foodstuff molecules, diverting the chemical energy in these substances into life-sustaining activities and discarding, as waste products, carbon dioxide and water.

8. The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, surface runoff, and subsurface flow. In doing so, the water goes through different forms: liquid, solid (ice) and vapor.

9. Carbon dioxide Greenhouse gases.

Motor vehicles also emit pollutants, predominantly carbon dioxide, that contribute to global climate change.

10.Raffaell is wondering how plants and animals depend on each other which is a good way to Find out so he will Observe plants and animals for a while.

26. Activity 1.2 KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAMS As a member of the community, you should be aware on the variety of programs and services that the government is offering to promote community health. This activity will ask you to research these different programs and how they are promoting community health. With the help and guidance of your parents, neighbors, and barangay health workers, go to the nearest health care facility in your area and examine the following pictures below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Program: Para sa ligtas na panganganak. dapat keses magpa-pre-natal check-up wheth center Scope: Photo: www.dah 2. Program: Scope: TB REPUES DOTS TB DO NASANGAN mim na buwang ganukan Photo: PINGGANG PINOY Healthy food plate for Filipino adults 3. Program: Scope: GROW GLOW​



1. Program: Para sa ligtas na panganganak.


Sa gitna ng COVID-19 crisis, sinabi ng DOH na pinakaligtas pa ring manganak sa isang health facility na nagbibigay ng birthing services gaya ng maternity at newborn care.  

Maaari ding manganak sa mga pasilidad na lisensiyado ng DOH at accredited ng Philhealth:  

Birthing facility ng Helath Center o Municipal/Rural Health Units Mga pribadong lying-in clinics na mayroong midwife, nurse at doctor Mga infirmary

Ayon sa DOH, Kung gugustuhing manganak sa panibagong health facility na iba sa inyong napagplanuhan, siguraduhing mayroong pakikipag-ugnayan sa inyong health care provider pang siya ay makapagbigay ng tamang referral o endorsement or lilipatang facility.

2. Program: TB DOTS


A public-private partnership DOTS (PPMD) - Private sector engagement, including private practitioners, pharmacies, and hospitals, to implement NTP policies and recommendations and thereby support TB control efforts. The TB-DOTS system, including the referral system, was taught to PPMD staff.Improved hospital TB-DOTS – Improving the quality of TB diagnosis and treatment in hospitals by strengthening internal and external referral systems.Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (PMDT) — Treatment centers, satellite treatment centers, and treatment sites provide diagnostic and treatment services to drug-resistant tuberculosis patients.TB HIV joint initiatives — Close collaboration between the NTP and the National AIDS/STI Prevention and Control Program (NASPCP) to provide care to patients who have both TB and HIV.TB in jails/prisons - Ensuring that inmates in jails and prisons have access to TB diagnosis and treatment.DOTS certification and accreditation — Assuring the delivery of high-quality tuberculosis services while also collecting revenue through the PhilHealth TB-DOTS outpatient benefit package.Expanding TB laboratory services – Increasing access to TB microscopy services by establishing more TB microscopy centers, such as those in hospitals and the private sector.Community-based tuberculosis care — Ensuring community participation in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment.The Integrated TB Information System-ITIS, the National TB Control Program's electronic TB information mechanism, serves as the official reporting system for all routine NTP reports, allowing real-time data collection for planning, decision-making, and logistics allocation.Integrated DOTS- This effort intends to serve both DS and DRTB patients by bringing screening, diagnostic, and treatment services closer to them.TB DM- Diabetes mellitus is an established risk factor for tuberculosis, and the prevalence of type 2 DM is on the rise.

3. Program: PINGGANG PINOY Healthy food plate for Filipino adults


Pinggang Pinoy is a new, simple-to-understand food guide that employs a familiar food plate paradigm to transmit the proper food group proportions on a per-meal basis to suit Filipino adults' energy and nutrient needs. Pinggang Pinoy is a visual tool that delivers effective nutritional and healthy lifestyle messages to assist Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at mealtime.

Will the FNRI Daily Nutritional Guide (DNG) Pyramid be replaced with Pinggang Pinoy?

The "Pinggang Pinoy" can be used alongside, but not in instead of, the existing DNG Pyramid for Filipinos. Pinggang Pinoy, according to FNRI, is a quick and easy reference to how much to eat at mealtime, whereas the DNG Pyramid gives the entire day's food intake advice at a glance.

The “Pinggang Pinoy” and the DNG Pyramid for Filipinos are both based on the most up-to-date research on how our diet, drink, and activity choices effect our health.

To know more about community health programs, click here

Hope this helps! :)


27. Q1. Without decomposers, will producers andconsumers stay alive? Why?Q2. Without producers, will consumers stay aliveWhy?Answer:1.) yes, because decomposers only takepart ofter the organisms is dead... Itbreaks down the organism ... because itgets energy from the organic substratesfor it to grow and develop2.) No, since 1st level consumers rely onproducers for food, and the other level Consumers eat the first-level consumers.So if producer are gone,all first classconsumers will die and a chainreaction occurs.Tama po ba Yung sagot ko kahit iba Ang ibinigay na answer po sa Amin Ng aming guro yun parin po ba ng score ko Kase tag 5 points each po eh Tama po ba Yung sagot ko dto sa ibaba Yung sa picture po sa guro ko po yun sa science po.​


Ay Nasa question na pala ang sagot

salamat na Lang sa points

28. Write TRUE if the statement expresses the idea of personal care and safety and FALSE if not. Name make sure that someone knows where I am going and what time when I am expected to be back Walking in well lighted area is only important when I am alone and when it is late at night I can share my password not only to my parents but also to my friends Using a mobile phone while walking is not okay as it can distract me from danger I head towards a busy public area every time I think I am followed I always check that my bag is closed with the opening facing towards me. consult my parents about posting pictures of myself or others online and not post any pictures that my parents consider to be inappropriate When someone tries to break the touching rule. I should: 1) Say no: 2) Walk away, and 3) Tell an adult right away Eating go grow and glow food is not good for my health Oversleeping or having less sleep time will affect my mood and my mood might create misunderstanding with others​






yaan lang Po thank you

29. LTIPLE CHOICE. Read carefully and select the BEST ANSWER. Write the letter of yo1. Living things are considered organisms if they possess which of the followingcharacteristics?A. grow and developB. failure to produce offspringC. absence of orderly structureD. incapability of adapting to changing environment2. Which of the following best explains why humans sweat when they feel hot?A. ability to growC. maintain the internal environmentB. ability to reproduceD. use energy3. Study the given picture. Which of the following DOES NOT describe it?A. It shows how organisms respond to its environment.B. The organisms are growing and developing.C. There is a transfer of energy among living organisms.D. They are evolving.4. A nice smell of a plant is an adaptation thatA. helps the plant to keep the nutrients inside.B. pushes away the animals that try to eat them.C. attracts the pollinators.D. regulates the internal environment.5. Which statement does NOT describe the image on the right side?A. Plants acquire energy for them to perform its task, the food making.B. Plants need the abiotic factors in order to grow.C. There is a transfer of energy from the sun to the plants.D. They are evolving.6. Makahiva plant closes its leaflets when touched. This is an example of​


1. a






Hopeeeeee it helpsssssssss

30. Let's Apply Direction. Do what is asked. Write your answer on your answer sheet. Whats is germination?sprouting of seed Is the planting of seed 2. Tabulate life cycle of a . Do it through a drawing. 3.Where does the germinating seed get its food? Cotyledon or Radicle | When a seed sprouts the embryo grows into a?new seed or new plant(sorry I can't show the picture there's an error)-correct answers only-wrong/nonsense answers=report answer-right answer=brainliest ​


a germination is a object that is wer things leaft of sprouting's of lines it is used make to ba seeda on fevvor sheps with acror factory reset a galaxy note 10 faction servers are infact call's unimited use it is available on years an things are used.


i hope it is helps thanks

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