Don t Judge Or Argue Prematurely

Don t Judge Or Argue Prematurely

Don't judge or argue prematurely​

Daftar Isi

1. Don't judge or argue prematurely​


Dont Judge


i dont know how to explain but dont judge to quick before not knowing the back story or what happening because you can cause a trouble if you so be careful sometimes at its biblical that dont judge anyboby until u know them

2. Don't judge or argue prematurely​


don't judge


Kasi Wala lang

3. don't judge or argue prematurely​




I need a cat for a while to go check it again I just want you know that you can help him out with

4. Who is approached by Alfredo first after the Holy Thursday procession? A. Julia B. Esperanza C. Don Julian D. Judge Del Valle


A. julia


Alfredo Salazar was betrothed to Esperanza, his girlfriend for four years. The start of their relationship was relatively “warm”, with Alfredo wooing Esperanza like a man in dire lovesickness. But as the years went by, the warm love’s fire slowly flickered. And it was because of Julia Salas.

5. don't judge or argue prematurely,which of the following statements is this pharse refirring to​


1. C. Listening skill

2. B. Paraphrase

3. A. It is considered as a passive form of listening, because the listener is not judging, criticizing or evaluating the message.

4. D. Judging

5. A. Look for key ideas

6. D. Evaluating


For #1, the topic seems to be about Listening skill also the answer's quite obvious.

#2, restate - paraphrase

#3, again the answer is pretty obvious.

#4, with the answer being A. in #3 which states that the listener is not judging, criticizing or evaluating.

#5, main ideas - key ideas

#6, all the other choices gathers information for a particular purpose or reason.

6. Premature death can occur if the dimensions of health are underdeveloped. T or F

the answer is true because i think it makes sense

7. don' judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.give your rection​


Every day is a unique day. There are times that we invest great things for our own future. These investments include our energy, time, talent and effort. Despite the great sacrifice we made we will soon see and harvest the copious fruits of our labor. Moreover, I agree to this statement. It gives me assurance that tomorrow is a product of a today where I continue to sow my energy, time, talents and effort.



Am I gonna answer this or just read it?

If I'm just gonna read this then I'll say that It's a very good explaination

I think you have very good grades in english :o :D

8. How to prevent premature death


Lose Excess Weight


Lose excess weight. Do more physical activity – ideally, at least 30 minutes every day. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce or eliminate dietary salt – reducing your salt intake by 3g per day lowers blood pressure, but the effect is doubled with a 6g per day reduction and tripled with a 9g per day reduction.

Answer: Lose excess weight. Do more physical activity – ideally, at least 30 minutes every day. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. Reduce or eliminate dietary salt – reducing your salt intake by 3g per day lowers blood pressure, but the effect is doubled with a 6g per day reduction and tripled with a 9g per day reduction.

9. Dont judge or argue prematurely

Don’t judge or ague prematurely
What do you mean about that

10. what is the classification of premature baldness?​


this is known as premature male pattern baldness and starts out with receding hairline and thinning scalp

11. what is the meaning of don't judge or argue prematurely​


We should control ourselves so we can't judge, criticize, and argue prematurely. Judging and Arguing doesn't lead to a better communication towards each other.

12. It is done not because there are judges to impress, but to give entertainment t​


the statement suggests that the primary goal of this activity or event is to provide entertainment, rather than to impress judges or meet some other standard of performance. This could potentially imply that the activity or event is more focused on enjoyment and entertainment value for the participants and audience, rather than on competition or achieving some external measure of success.

13. what is premature baby? ​


A premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby's estimated due date. In other words, a premature birth is one that occurs before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy.

Premature babies, especially those born very early, often have complicated medical problems


Pa Brainliest Nmn Po


14. hugot for a day: kung alam mo na sa tama ka ng tao wag mo ng pakawalan ksi baka maagaw pa:( please don”t judge wala lng nmn akong magawa ih:)shorry

Answer: Tamaa

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

pa BRAINLIEST na langg po ako

15. 1. What type of listening is reffered as listening with goal of Learning, unserstanding, and grasping information? A. Informal listening B. Analytical Listening C. Informative listening D. Active listening 2.Which of the following listening approaches asks you to restate in your own words the message of the speaker? A. Info listeningB. Don't judge or argue prematurely C. Look for Keys ideasD. Paraphrase 3.Which of the following listening approach allows you to make sure you receive the same thoughts which speakers are trying to convey? A. Info listeningB. Don't judge or argue prematurely C. Look for Keys ideasD. Paraphrase 4.The more words we know, the more we can understand. What skill referred to by this statement? A. Knowledge of vocabularyB. concentrationC. Memory D. Refraining from judgment5.What common skill tell you to only write key concepts and terms instead of trying to write down everything that is being said? A. Organization B. Taking notesC. Asking Questions D. Refraining fom judgement​


1. What type of listening is referred as listening with goal of Learning, understanding, and grasping information?

A. Informal listening

B. Analytical Listening

C. Informative listening

D. Active listening

Note: Informational listening focuses on the ability of an individual to understand a speaker's message. It is a huge part of everyday life, and failing to understand the concept of informational listening can be very detrimental to one's quality of life and to their contribution to society

2.Which of the following listening approaches asks you to restate in your own words the message of the speaker?

A. Info listening

B. Don't judge or argue prematurely

C. Look for Keys ideas

D. Paraphrase

Note: Paraphrasing expresses the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.

3.Which of the following listening approach allows you to make sure you receive the same thoughts which speakers are trying to convey?

A. Info listening

B. Don't judge or argue prematurely

C. Look for Keys ideas

D. Paraphrase

4.The more words we know, the more we can understand. What skill referred to by this statement?

A. Knowledge of vocabulary

B. concentration

C. Memory

D. Refraining from judgment

5.What common skill tell you to only write key concepts and terms instead of trying to write down everything that is being said?

A. Organization

B. Taking notes

C. Asking Questions

D. Refraining from judgement


16. Don'd judge or argue prematurely​


Try to understand the speaker's ideas before judging them.

17. TRUE OR FALSE. Write the complete word TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write the complete word FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. How well you listen has a major influence on study effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. 2. Informational Listening promotes conflict and misunderstanding. 3. Informational listening is listening for judging, criticizing, or evaluating the message. 4. Becoming a better listener can develop your productivity as well as your ability to influence, convince and negotiate. 5. Don't judge or argue prematurely​








Hope it helps!

18. it is a khalid as premature menopause​




19. How can premature recrystallization be avoided?


Keeping the set up hot prevents crystals from forming prematurely. Keeping the solution very hot so the solute stays dissolved, pour the solution through the funnel and filter paper assembly.


pa brainlist po ty


Premature recrystallization can be avoided by keeping the set hot. We need to keep the set hot so the solute stays in its dissolved form.


20. what is premature extinction?


Something that has happened before it was expected to occur.


This means that the specie died in a way that something or a factor has caused it. It may be caused by the environment, viruses or bacterias, calamities, and human beings.Its death may have occured either after birth on its middle age, it usually happens in the time it is least expected.

An example of  species which may undergo Pre-mature extinction are fishes or aquatic creatures due to climate change.

Additionally, species become extinct because of endemic haunting, since animals are one of the sources of food,clothing (which is made through their skin) and medicinal purposes

tap the links for more:


21. explanations about don't judge or argue prematurely​.


Dont Judge


i dont know how to explain but dont judge to quick before not knowing the back story or what happening because you can cause a trouble if you so be careful sometimes at its biblical that dont judge anyboby until u know them

22. Example of premature extinction



Extinction, in biology, the dying out or extermination of a species. Extinction occurs when species are diminished because of environmental forces (habitat fragmentation, global change, natural disaster, overexploitation of species for human use) or because of evolutionary changes in their members (genetic inbreeding, poor reproduction, decline in population numbers).

23. hugotera ng brainly; sa tingin nyu sino ang pinaka maraming mali boys or girls patindihan ng sagot:) don”t judge wala lng nmn ako magawa ih:(


both yan na

Step-by-step explanation:



24. premature means the same as or opposite of:​


Premature : occurring or done before the usual or proper time; too early.

"the sun can cause premature aging"




too soon

too early

before time











jumping the gun




(of a baby) born before the end of the full term of gestation, especially three or more weeks before.

"the child was three weeks premature"









25. effect of premature birth​


The effect of premature birth can suffer lifelong effects such as cerebral palsy, mental problems, visual and hearing impairment, poor health and growth problems and many more effects of having a premature birth of the baby.


26. 2. How would you react to the situation where Michelle was unfairly judged?​


Sad and upset because people should be just towards other people.


Mad because everyone deserves the right to be judged fairly

27. Don't judge or argue prematurely


tanong ko lang po


questions po ba yan?

dont jugde the book by its cover

28. The mass of premature babies is customarily determined in grams. If a premature baby weighs 1550 g, what is its mass in pounds? ​

Answer: 15 lb


29. dont judge or argue prematurely​


TAMA ,this can cause in to a big problem

30. How to prevent premature recrystallization?


Hot gravity filtration. Keeping the set up hot prevents crystals from forming prematurely. Keeping the solution very hot so the solute stays dissolved, pour the solution through the funnel and filter paper assembly.


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