Culminating In Tagalog

Culminating In Tagalog

what are some steps to be done to have a creative exhibits as part of the Culminating program/culminating activity?​

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1. what are some steps to be done to have a creative exhibits as part of the Culminating program/culminating activity?​


For example, the terms capstone exhibition, culminating ... an exhibition may take a wide variety of forms in schools: ... they are not merely “show and tell” opportunities.


Sana po makatulong :)

2. Ideas for culminating​


A culminating activity should be "central to the purpose of the course" or the unit and require students to think about important issues or questions; be multifaceted, requiring a number of skills, different learning styles or mental.

3. what is the meaning of culminating?

to reach the end or the final result of something

4. types of culminating activity​


Culminating Activity Examples

Culminating Activity ExamplesDigital Tools Used - The applications used to create the project.

Culminating Activity ExamplesDigital Tools Used - The applications used to create the project.Digital Media Type - For example, the project may be Video, Audio, or an Infographic.

Culminating Activity ExamplesDigital Tools Used - The applications used to create the project.Digital Media Type - For example, the project may be Video, Audio, or an Infographic.Course of Study - Search for projects other faculty in your field are creating, or explore a new content area.

Culminating Activity ExamplesDigital Tools Used - The applications used to create the project.Digital Media Type - For example, the project may be Video, Audio, or an Infographic.Course of Study - Search for projects other faculty in your field are creating, or explore a new content area.Course Type - Online, Hybrid or On Ground.


nasa picture yung sagot ko hope its help

5. culminating the soil in rows​


Wow that's good because you have a lot of people in your paper that are considered harmful 2

6. the culmination of the celebration of the sacrament of baptism ​




hi whwt your name

7. activity1:culminating activity​


igagement (Time Frame: Day 3)

aming Task 2

Answer the following problems. Show your complete solution in your notebook


volume. Use 3.14 for pi.

What is asked in the problems

What are the given facts

What is the formula to be used

Number Sentence and final answer

Find the volume of milk chocolate in a glass with a radius of 5cm and height of 10cm.

What is asked in the problem

What are the given facts

What is the formula to be used

Number Sentence and final answer

Calculate the volume of the pyramid in the picture.

What is the formula to be used a

Number Sentence and final answer

Mike has a large plastic cup that he is going to fill with water. The plastic cup is in the shape of a

cone with a height of 7 inches and a radius of 3 inches as shown. Find the volume of the water in the

plastic cone cup.

What is the formula to be used

Sentence and final answer:

https:) two sheets/merc


nos/ of

8. what are the examples of culminating activities?​


Sana makatulong Sayo yan



pa brainliest at follow po sana

9. what is the meaning of culminates​


reach a climax or point of highest development.


cimax or point of highest development

10. What is the importance of culminating activity in individual​.


The culminating activity not only improves and discovers the skills of the students, but it also creates the a strong bond between the student (haha). It creates camaraderie among students. It is important because the activity allows you to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained.

11. who is the culminating figure of baroque​


Baroque music

Bach and G.F. Handel are often considered its culminating figures.


Baroque music

Bach and G.F. Handel are often considered its culminating figures.

12. pls give me a culminating speech

Here is an example of a culminating speech for graduates:

Dear classmates and guests, it is with great pleasure that I deliver this speech. First of all, I would like to thank the organizing committee for inviting me, and giving me the opportunity to talk. I would also like to thank my classmates for the great honor you have bestowed upon me.

There have been numerous struggles that we fought, to overcome countless obstacles throughout our years in school, in order for us to finally achieve the ultimate success. The success and glory that our school has granted us today, is in fact, a culmination of these struggles. I want to take this opportunity to encourage my classmates, everyone here today, not to forget those struggles.

We are going through a great time right now, but as we know, the good times will not last. We will soon be facing many challenges and difficulties in the future, and it is only then that we will truly appreciate our achievements today. So, once again, I may have prepared great things for you today, but all those great achievements are nothing, compared to the great sacrifices that we have had to make in order for this day to be possible.

Graduates, I thank you for having given me this wonderful opportunity, and I wish all of you great success in life.

More or less that is how a culminating speech looks like

13. what are the culminating activities for dance and fitness


One activity where pupils can showcase the skills and knowledge they acquired, is a culminating activity such as game, sport and dancing. Dance, games and sport can be a fun and engaging way to get pupils active in PE class.


pa brainliest po

14. use expectation in describing culminating activity​


ano po Yan??

I researched nyo po asi parang iba Po question nyo

15. example of Culminating activity


some examples of culminating activity

•running a sports day for local preschools.

•publishing a cookbook.

•running a canteen.




Some examples of a culminating event include students:

running a sports day for local preschools.

publishing a cookbook.

running a canteen.

presented an app they developed.

presenting their ideas for improving a local playground to representatives from the local council.


16. Humss culminating activity preface sample


One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity. One-Act Drama.Write your own idea about One-Act Drama. Use the diagram in doing the activity.

17. Sample closing remark for nutrition month culmination


To our distinguished guests and visitors, to our teachers, and to my fellow students, once again, good morning/afternoon.

It was a pleasure seeing you all today celebrating with us. I am very happy that you joined us today. Also, I am very happy to see my fellow students actively and happily attended this celebration. I hope that you have enjoyed this day but most importantly I hope that you, my fellow students have learned something today. I hope that you have instilled in your mind the value of having a healthy body.

This celebration ends today but the values highlighted in this celebration should remain and should continue to inspire us to be healthy at all times. As we go home today, let us bring the learnings with us and start pondering the things that we should do and apply it as soon as we get home.

I do not want to hold you any longer, once again good afternoon/morning. Let us all be safe and healthy.

Read more here:

Slogan for nutrition month

Nutrition month Philippines  2018

Nutrition month yells with lyrics


18. Reflection in english culmination

I had fun. also i learned more about the english language. Lastly i have a deeper and fuller understanding about the importance of learning english. Ofcourse to be globally competent and to have a competetive edge on the long run.

19. ano po ba ang culminating

The culminating is the end point or final stage of something you've been working toward or something that's been building up.

#Carry on learning

Pa Brainliest

20. the culmination of Jesus' life​


Jesus is my life




21. whate are the significance of conducting a culminating activity?​

A culminating event is when students share the product or result of their investigation, receive feedback, and celebrate their learning. Students are actively involved in the planning of the culmination. They decide what to make, how to present the information and who to invite.

22. what could be demonstrated by a culminating activity?​


A culminating activity should. • be central to the purpose of the course or the unit and require students to think. about important issues or questions; • be multifaceted, requiring a number of skills, different learning styles or mental.


23. which is a example of culminating project ​


One example is the culminating project, which is a task that asks students to apply the knowledge and skills they develop throughout the unit in one product. They're sometimes done with a group or partner and the unit builds towards their creation.

24. what is culminating activity?​

A culminating activity, is a project that challenges high school seniors to demonstrate their academic knowledge in an experiential way. According to the United States Department of Education State Education Boards typically allow individual school districts to customize the project, based on basic state guidelines

25. It is the culmination of God'ssanctifying action in the world​


The Eucharist


26. culminating Integrate the ideas of humanities and social sciences​

answer :

you think if my answer is correct pls brainliest me,

27. culminating performance task​


Culminating assessments are simply assets that are complete at the end of units. Teachers can assess students at the end of learning in a few ways. One example is the culminating project, which is a task that asks students to apply the knowledge and skills they develop throughout the unit in one product.

28. Lessons learned from the CULMINATING ACTIVITY * ​


saan po picture?


29. what is your reflection about the culminating​


The culminating activity not just enhances and discovers the skills of the students, but it also creates the a strong bond between the student (haha). It creates camaraderie among students.

It is important because in the activity you can show what are the knowledge you learned and skills that was improved and earned


hm..hope it helps

30. give at least three event on a culmination activity?​


project based learning.

Humanities and social sciences track.

oral presentations

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