Boyle s Law Graph

Boyle s Law Graph

describe the graph of boyle's law?

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1. describe the graph of boyle's law?

Boyle's law is one of the three gas laws that describe the gaseous behavior under varying pressures, volumes and Temperatures. Boyle's law states that, at a given constant temperature, the pressure applied on gas is inversely proportional to its volume. ... (Where P= Pressure, V=Volume and K is a constant.)

2. Describe the graph boyles law

he law itself can be stated as follows: For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Or Boyle's law is a gas law, stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.

3. In Boyle's law question described the graph


This is Boyle's Law, V=k / P .

The graph of P*V against P should be a straight line parallel to the P axis. In other words, the product P*V is a constant at a fixed temperature. ... The graph looks like a horizontal straight line.


Boyle's Law

Graph between P & V at constant temperature is a smooth curve known as "parabola"

The graphical representation of Boyle's law is on the above:

As the "volume" increases, then the "pressure" will decrease and vice versa.

But the temperature is held constant.

For more info about Boyle's Law:

4. Boyle's law and Charles law description and illustration:​


Boyle's law—named for Robert Boyle—states that, at constant temperature, the pressure P of a gas varies inversely with its volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant.  Charles (1746–1823)—states that, at constant pressure, the volume V of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute (Kelvin) temperature T, or V/T = k.

Charles's law, a statement that the volume occupied by a fixed amount of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature, if the pressure remains constant.  It is a special case of the general gas law and can be derived from the kinetic theory of gases under the assumption of a perfect (ideal) gas.

Formula: (charles law)

V^1/T^1 = V^2/T^2

V^1 = first volume

V^2  = second volume

T^1 = first temperature

T^2 = second temperature

Boyle's law, also referred to as the Boyle–Mariotte law, or Mariotte's law, is an experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas tends to decrease as the volume of the container increases.

Formula: (boyle law)


P_{1} = first pressure

P_{2} = second pressure

V_{1} = first volume

V_{2} = second volume

Hope it helps, mark me the brainliest if u think it helps


#Helping Students#Brainliest Bunch#Carry on Learning

5. 3. Which of the following graph represents Boyle's Law?​


it is letter B.


hope it helps

pa.brainliest po (not forcing)


the answer is C


as a pressure increase,the volume decrease

6. explain boyle's law?

States that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.

7. 1. what relationship between pressure and volume is being depicted in the graph! 2. boyle' law shows the relationship between which two factors of a gas? 3. inversely proportional means that as one value increase... 4. Boyle's law shows the volume and pressure of a gas are always.. 5. what does the graph about Boyle's law tell us? paki sagot ng maayus pag hnd sinagot ng maayus eh rereport ko​


1. inversely proportional

2.volume and pressure

3. the other decreases

4. inversely proportional

5. when volume increases, pressure decreases.

sana maka tulong po

8. Boyle's law variables


The variables involved in Boyle's law are pressure, volume, number of moles and temperature

Step-by-step explanation:



Pressure, Volume, Number of moles and Temperature

Step-by-step explanation:


P for pressure

V for volume

n for number of moles

T for temperature

9. differentiate between Boyle's law and Charlie's law​


In Charles law, temperature and volume of the gas are kept at constant pressure. Whereas in Boyle's law, pressure and volume of the gas are kept at a constant temperature. In Boyle's law, pressure and volume vary inversely whereas, in Charles law, pressure and volume vary directly.


10. 7. Which graph best illustrates Boyle's law?​


Letter B

Explanation: The measured volume is inversely proportional to the pressure.


The plot of V versus P at constant temperature for a fixed mass of gas would be a rectangular hyperbola. According to Boyle's law, for a constant mass of a gas and constant temperature, V∝P1.


11. what is Boyle's law?

Boyle's law is a law about gasses. It also called as Mariote's Law.
Boyle's law - is the studies of the relationship between pressure and volume. It's an inverse relationship as it is indicated that when pressure increases, volume decreases and vice-versa.


12. what is constant in boyle's law?​


Sarap ng poi nts




This empirical relation, formulated by the physicist Robert Boyle in 1662, states that the pressure (p) of a given quantity of gas varies inversely with its volume (v) at constant temperature; i.e., in equation form, pv = k, a constant. ...


13. Determine the gas law applied in the following: 1. Syringe a. Charles' Law b. Boyle's Law 2.Air bubbles a. Charles' Law b. Boyle's Law 3. Deep water diving a. Charles' Law b. Boyle's Law 4. Hot air balloon a. Charles' Law b. Boyle's Law 5. Bicycle pump a. Charles' Law b. Boyle's Law


this is the answer

1. B

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. B

14. Boyle's law statements

Boyle's law states that at constant temperature for a fixed mass, the absolute pressure and the volume of a gas are inversely proporsional.

15. Boyle's law and Charles law


Boyle's Law

States that pressure and volume of gas is inversely proportional when the amount and temperature of the gas are constant. When volume increases, pressure will decreased. When volume decreases, pressure will increased. The formula of Boyle's Law is P₁V₁ = P₂V₂.

Air is put inside into the balloon; the pressure of that air inside the balloon will pushes the wall of the balloon rubber, the balloon will then expand.

Charles' Law

States that volume and temperature (kelvin) is directly proportional when the amount of gas and pressure are held constant. When volume decreases, the temperature of the gas decreases. When volume increases, the temperature of the gas also increases. The formula of Charles' Law is V₁/T₁ = V₂/T₂.

During summer season there will be increase numbers of blown tires. Tires heat up during driving and it will be heated up more since it is summer that increases the pressure of the tire and blown-up.

For more information, kindly visit the link below:

16. Differentiate Boyle' Law and Charles' Law​


Mag-kaiba po sila ng pangalan

17. how Boyle Law discovered?Explain the history of Boyle Law?​


He discussed the concept of a vacuum pump with Hooke, who improved von Guericke's design. Using Hooke's pump, Boyle and Hooke carried out experiments to investigate the properties of air and the vacuum, making their first great discovery: Boyle's Law. ... This was the first gas law to be discovered.

18. for Boyles law if we plot graph between inverse of volume and pressure result is​


The curve is called PV curve, and it is hyperbolic in nature. As observed from the graph above, pressure increases with a decrease in volume, and vice versa. Thus, pressure is inversely proportional to volume.


Straight Line


From Boyle's law,


PV=K,    K=constant

P= V/K

19. Science10 answer activity 2 page 362 boyles law table. 5 describe the graph

Base on the graph Pressure is on the y-axis and volume is on the x-axis. The recorded volume is decreasing and the recorded pressure is increasing since the relationship of volume and pressure is inversely proportional when the temperature and the amount of gas are constant. So the line graph must be going downward.

Hope it helps…

20. Boyle's law and Charles law ​

Answer: Boyle's law—named for Robert Boyle—states that, at constant temperature, the pressure P of a gas varies inversely with its volume V, or PV = k, where k is a constant. Charles's law—named for J. ... Though this law describes the behaviour of an ideal gas, it closely approximates the behaviour of real gases.


21. Poem about Charle's law and boyle's law​


An artist of a plastic art form, whether a painter, a sculptor, or an architect, is the sole creator of the material object. There is no need for an intermediary or interpreter between the author and the spectator. True, in order to finalize his project an architect (and sometimes a sculptor) turns to the help of experienced workers who realize his models and sketches in stone and wood. But their work is purely that of the craftsman and does not involve any new, additional creative impulses.

22. Differentiate Boyle' Law and Charles' Law​


Boyle's Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the pressure decreases. Charles' Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the temperature increases.Explanation:


Boyle's Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the pressure decreases. Charles' Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the temperature increases


23. Boyle’s law, sometimes referred to as the Boyle-Mariotte law( especially in France), is an experimental gas law. Which of the following statements is TRUE about this gas law? ​





24. ACTIVITY 3 GRAPHING THE RELATIONSHIP Let's Find Out: The graphical representation of Boyle's Law Let's Do It This Way: Draw the graphical representation of Boyle's Law. (15 points) P 0 V


nasaan po ang questions nyo po para masa gutan kunapo

25. Study and analyze the picture below. Explain the application of Boyle s law in real life activities.​

Boyle's law relates the pressure of a gas to its volume. The law was discovered by Robert Boyle in the seventeenth century. He found the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature for a fixed amount of the gas. In other words, as the pressure increases, the volume decreases, and vice versa. Although the law is very old, its applications can be observed in our everyday life. Some real-life examples or applications are discussed below.

26. Differentiate Boyle' Law and Charles' Law​


Boyle's Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the pressure decreases. Charles' Law tells us that the volume of gas increases as the temperature increases


27. what is Boyle's law?

Boyle's Law

It is also called Mariotte's Principle, a theory of gas compression and expansion at steady temperatures.This mathematical rule, developed in 1662 by the mathematician Robert Boyle.States that the pressure (p) of a given gas quantity varies inversely with its volume (v) at constant temperature; i.e., pv = k, equation form constant.


P1V1 = P2V2

P1 =initial pressure V1 =initial volume P2 = final pressure V2 =final volume

Sample Problem

A fixed amount of a gas takes up a volume of 1L and exerts a pressure of 400 kPa on its container walls. Which pressure would the gas produce if it is completely transferred to a new container with a capacity of 3 liters.


V1= 1L


V2= 3L


P1V1 = P2V2

P2 = (P1V1)/V2


P2 = (1L * 400 kPa)/3L = 133.33 kPa

Answer: 133.33 kPa

For more information

28. Describes the graph in each Gas Law.1. BOYLE's LAW2. CHARLES' LAW3. GAY-LUSSAC LAW4. AVOGADRO's LAW5. IDEAL GAS LAW​


1.The pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional (as one increases,the other decreases,and vice versa

2.The volume and absolute temperature (K) of a gas are directly proportional (an increase temp leads to an increase in volume)

3.The pressure and absolute temperature (K) of a gas are directly proportional (an increase in pressure leads to an increase temperature)

4.The volume and the number of moles of a gas is directly proportional(an increase in mole leads to an increase in volume)

5. hindi po ako sigurado


teacher's lesson

29. background of Boyles law?

Way back 16th century, Robert Boyle stated that the relationship between the volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature and amount of gas is inversely proportional. He performed an experiment wherein he trapped a fixed amount of air in the J-tube, he changed the pressure and control the temperature not to change. In this experiment he found out that when the pressure is increased, the volume decreases.

Hope it helps....

30. What is boyle's law?

Good Day....

Boyle's is one of the Gas Laws formulated by Robert Boyle which states that volume is inversely proportional to pressure when temperature and the amount of gas are constant. When volume decreases pressure would increased.


You aspirate 10 ml volume of air using syringe without needle and cover the tip of it for the gas inside will not escape. As you press the plunger of the syringe to lower the volume, you will observed as the volume decreases it is harder for you to pressed the plunger. The reason for this observation is that as you lower the volume of air inside the syringe the pressure increases making it difficult pressed.

Hope it helps....=)

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